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Ally's POV
After one week I gained the courage to talk. I was happy when I heard my voice.

You see. Three days didn't seem like enough. Everyone thought maybe I was having PTSD from my kidnapping and everything but actually I was scared that I wouldn't be able to talk.

But I can. Thing one walked in my room and laid down on my bed laying his head on my stomach.

Everyone knows I'm pregnant and are super happy. Thing one and thing two. My brothers. They went to there overprotective for big sister mode and they almost kicked Axels ass. That's when I finally spoke.

Axel was a little mad that my first words after the surgery were don't hurt him or kill him or I will put a bullet through your heads.

They were shocked while axel stormed away pissed. He forgave me.

Currently I played with Thing ones hair. He's upset and he'll tell me why in a moment.

My real name is Asta Monroe Chador. Monroe is my actual middle name. So. Woo.

Thing one- Charles is mad at me. He kicked me out of the room.
He said sadly

Me- why's he and at you.
I asked softly

Axle was leaning against the doorway. He thinks it's weird but it's the sibling bond.

Thing one- because I have a girlfriend before him. And then he kicked me out of the room.
He quietly said

He continued to lay on my stomach. My poor baby's have to listen to this non-sense

Me- why don't we go to talk to him
I suggested softly

When it comes to my siblings upset I learned it's best to talk softly

Thing one- no. Not yet. He's still mad at me.
He said scared

I was now rubbing his back supportively. It's weird. Then a Alex walked in and got on the other side of the bed and laid her head next to Thing ones. Her eyes were red and puffy.

I'm the older sister. It's my job to look after them.

Me- we can wait a little while longer thing one. Just let me know when you want to go.
I said softly

He nodded. Yes I call my siblings thing one, Thing Two, thing three, and thing four. Ally is Thing four.

Me- Alex. What's wrong.

Alex- I... I was sitting in my room when I heard mommy and daddy arguing. Again.

I realized my mom and dad argue mom

Me- it's okay. I'll talk to mommy and daddy later. Don't worry about it. They are going to be okay. They will have there fights.
I said softly

Alex- alright

She got up and kissed my belly. Everyone who comes in and lays on my belly has to kiss my belly before leaving as I am carrying three lives.

Thing one- I think I'm ready
He quietly said

He sat up and kissed my belly before walking to the door. Waiting for me. I got up and past axle. He smacked my butt and I playfully glared at him.

I knocked on the door

Thing two- WHAT
He screamed

Me- Thing Two. I need you to open the door
I said softly

I heard a click.

Me- come on Thing one.
I said softly

He nodded and followed me in. He sat on his bed and looked down sadly. I laid down next thing two. He laid his head on stomach

Me- what's going on.
I asked softly

Thing two- I'm single. I'm the third wheel.

Me- and. Your single. Your waiting for the perfect time you find your girl. The perfect girl
I said softly

Thing two- your right. I'm sorry Charlie

Thing one- it's alright Charles.

I sat up. Thing two kissed my belly before sitting up.

I then walked to my parents room. I knocked on the door and heard a faint come in. I walked in. My mom was sitting at the edge of the bed while my dad sat in the chair.

Me- what's going on with you two
I asked sternly

With my parents. You have to be stern.

Mom- were just at the age were we fight over the stupid things

Me- mom
I warned

Mom- I think your father cheated on me.

Dad- way to tell the kids some l-

Me- hey. I'm hear to listen and help you guys. We aren't going to argue. Alright.
I said softly but sternly

They nodded and looked at me with soft eyes.

Me- dad. What's going on?

Dad- your mom thinks she saw me with some girl so she thinks I cheated on her.

Me- mom. Do you have evidence?

Mom- no. But...he didn't come home until late

Me- dad...who were you with earlier that day?

Dad- I was with Freddy. Ask him.

Me- alright. Mom. Dad. I think you guys had another one of those arguments. Mom, you know dad loves you and would never cheat on you. He loves you. You love him. You both have been with each other, through thick and thin. You know dad wouldn't go out and find some bimbo. So...mom I think you owe dad an apology.

Mom- I'm sorry honey.

Dad- it's alright.

Me- dad. I think you owe mom an apology for starting with the yelling.

Dad- I'm sorry babe for yelling at you. I overreacted and I was just upset you thought I would do such a thing.

Mom- I understand.

I got up.

Me- thank you. I knew matters would be handled eventually but Alex heard you guys fighting. She came to me crying and I was worried.

Dad- we should probably talk to her.

Me- yeah. Oh. And thing one has a girlfriend.

My parents think it is absolutely hilarious I call them some Dr.Seuss characters.

Mom- you know Asta. You would make a good therapist

Me- only for that family

She chuckled. They both got up to talk and apologize to Asta. I walked out of there room when Ally came running towards me.

Ally- there's a cake in the kitchen. Let's eat it together.

Me- you've had enough sweets today Thing four, why don't we get you tucked in for your nap.

She nodded as she yawned. I picked her up brought her to her room. I tucked her in and kissed her head. I read her a story before leaving. I walked back to my room.

Axle laid on the bed.

Axel- you would make a good mom.

Me- I'll do an okay job.

Axel- you'll do amazing.

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