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Ally's POV
I was sore. Like really sore the next day after training and gymnastics. I woke up and looked to my left where Axle laid.

Yesterday, he made it clear that I was his and he wanted to be with me. That's also part of the reason I'm sore. Heated argument leads to sex.

I got up and went to my bathroom. I shut the door quietly and then I hopped in the shower. A few minutes later I heard the bathroom door open and closed. I peeked my head out thinking it was Axle but it was Sadie.

Sadie- dude. You and Axle did it.

Me- you and Cole did it.
I asked as shocked

She laughed and locked the door.

Sadie- no. He wasn't there. Your clothes were strung across your room so I put them in the hamper and washed my hands before coming back. So.

Me- fine. We did.

She squealed. I went back in the shower.

Sadie- so. How was it?

Me- I mean. The only reason it led to sex was because we were having a heated argument that led to sex

Sadie- that's how this little guy ended up in me. I can't wait until Toby is born.

I laughed.

Me- I cant wait for my god kid to be here. I need to spend some time with him.

Both of us were laughing. I turned the water off and reached my hand out for my towel. I wrapped it around my naked figure before stepping out.

Me and Sadie both walked out of the bathroom just talking. This is a normal thing. Axel,Cole,Thing one, Thing Two, and Ace were on my bed conversing. They stopped and looked at us weird.

Me and here both laughed. She dragged me to the closet as we did. She shut my closet doors and locked them.

Sadie- well. That's why the boys are dressed up. We have a party to attend to. My dress is in here because I'm surprising Cole.

I laughed. I did remember seeing them all in dressed. I heard knocking on my closet door. I unlocked it. It was Alex. The boys were watching. Alex walked in.

The boys shook there heads confused. Then in walked Alexis. I welcomed her to my closet as we share clothes. Charlie sat on my bed with everyone else confused. I finally closed and locked my door.

Alex- so. I'm getting ready in here

Alexis- me too

I nodded. Sadie was smiling. I grabbed a dress and went to the second floor of my closet and slipped it on after I put my bra and underwear on. I put on a robe that is just silk and I walked out of the closet.

Ace- why are you all in your closet. How is there even enough room.

Ace has never seen my closet.

Me- well. My closet has two story's. It's a walk in. There's aisles of clothing racks. Alexis and I share the same size and I welcomed her to my closet. Alex started using my closet as did Sadie. And well it's my closet.

Cole- so why was Sadie in the bathroom with you.

Me- that's a normal thing for me and Sadie.

Cole- it's weird

Me- and you thinking Sadie is PMS for when she is moody is weird. Or when you make fun of girls when they put there hands on their hips but you guys do it to. Or when you take pics of you being shirtless. Or spraying the bed with febreez so you don't have to wash the bedding yet is weird. So please. Don't tell me that me and Sadie Do weird things.

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