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Asta's POV
I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. I went to get up but, there is something heavy on my waist and my body is sore.

I followed the arm to Axel. Our clothes strung across the room. Our bodies naked and bare. I went to get up again but he pulled me back down into his chest.

Axel- stop moving
He said tiredly

Me- Axel. This was a mistake. Let me up.

Axel was soon hovering above me.

Axel- you and I both know it was no mistake. It's love. Because we are in love.

Me- fine. I do love you but I ain't leaving my gang behind. Also were to toxic for each other.

It's true. I do love him. Axel got down to my ear.

Axel- love is toxic. Not people. But our love. It's the perfect definition of love if you would stop being stubborn.
He whispered

I tried to push him off me but he only pinned my arms above my head.

Axel- you tell me you don't want this.

He started to kiss and suck on my neck. I craned my neck more to give him access and was becoming a moaning mess. He pulled away smirking.

Axel- if you say you don't want that then I guess...
He trailed off.

Me- god Axel. When did you become stubborn. Thought you would never become like me.

Axel- you see. I'm only stubborn because I'm madly in love with you. So in love with you I even decided that my gang will also go to Italy.

I finally got out of his grip and got in the bathroom. I shut the door and turned the water on and decided this was going to be a long shower.

My freaking body is sore.

I stepped into the shower. The hot water pelting against my pale skin. I sat down in the shower with my knees pulled to my chest. I heard the bathroom door open and soon Axel was in the shower with me.

Damn it. I'm an idiot. Should have locked that damn door. You know what. Fuck you door.

He sat down behind me. His legs at either side of me and his 'little', not so little friend is against the back of me. He doesn't care though.

Axel- come on Asta. I'm in love with you.

I know he's serious. I'm serious to but I'm not ready to go in that fast. I love him.

Me- I love you to but I'm not ready to go back into of what we had.

Axel had placed his hands on my hips and his grip tightened. I leaned back some because it sorta hurt. He closed his legs and place me on his lap. He got down to my neck and started to kiss it.

I craned my neck and leaned it back on his shoulder as he sucked and kissed different places on my neck. He pulled back and leaned back. He was still sitting up as the wall supported him.

Axel- I don't think I can live any longer without you knowing we aren't together
He said quietly

Me- Axel
I whined

Axel- I'm being honest
He said sternly

Me- I know. But, your making this hard for me.
I whined.

He spun me around to face him. I looked away but met his silver piercing eyes.

Axel- I was being honest. I can't live without you. It feels like there is a piece missing of me. I don't know how much longer I can live like this. It took every bone, every part of me to not pull the trigger when the gun was at my head

Me- you tried
I asked quietly

He nodded and looked away. I turned his head to look at me.

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