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Asta's POV
I finally landed. I called Axel and told him I was here.

The president really doesn't know my identity. So I put on my black cloak. I had my bigger scythe ready. Then I saw another jet land. Axel and my fam was off.

I shrugged and continued towards the Whitehouse. The guards froze and all aimed guns on me.

Me- drop the guns. I need to speak with...Mr.Obama.
I said sickly sweet

Guard- someone page the president and see what he wants. For now keep all guns aimed on her

Me- kill me you kill an innocent life

Guard- your far from evil

Me- oh no. The second life that's growing inside me. That's what. Three months.

They all dropped there weapons. The president was wide as he walked towards the scene.

President- Reaper, what do I owe for this awesome visit
He said sarcastically

Me- I would lose that tone with me sir.
I said deadly calm

He went wide eyed and put his hands up in defense.

President- alright. Alright. Speak R.

He called me R, as my nickname and I call him O.

Me- Well I was asking if I could have a few friendly people buy hospitals in there name to own them. Is that fine with you O.

O- what. Why

Me- business. That's not worth discussing.

O- fine. On one deal.

Me- what's you deal before I commit.

O- I finally see your face and you stay here for two months and help us with a little issue.

Me- if I show you my identity then you can do nothing about it. No one comes to arrest me or kill me. I be treated like a free citizen.

O- deal.

Me- then deal.

I stuck my hand out and we shook on it. I pulled my hood Down.

O- Ally Monroe O'Ryan. I should have known it was you.

Me- actually. That's not my real name. My real name from my biological parents I go by now is Asta Monroe Condor.

O- alright. The deal continues. Who's these guys.

I turned around.

Me- family. They are going back home though now.

With that I turned around and walked towards the Whitehouse with my scythe drawn still and I was soon inside. I put my scythe away by the time O walked in.

This is going to be a long two months.

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