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Asta's POV
Its been about a month. A lot of things happened.

For one I literally hate the infirmary.

For two I'm still upside down basically.

For three I'm freaking six months pregnant with triplets and I'm huge.

For four, they was a problem with the security and some enemy's got in so Sadie is in the same room as me. In a coma.

For five, Cole told me that Axel cheated on me and showed me the videos and pictures.

I was hurt soo

For six, I'm a single Pringle.

Me and Axel haven't been together for two weeks. Yet he still comes and visits me. Saying he is sorry. I will stare at the ceiling.

I literally have no way to go anywhere. The door opened and I just kept staring at the ceiling. I knew it was Cole.

Cole- hey. Asta. I know what he did was wrong, but I think he genuinely means he is sorry.
He said softly

Me- I know he means his apologies. Most of me at least. But, he cheated on me. As I laid in a bed basically upside down. Holding his children. My children inside of me.
I whispered

He was now beside my bed where I could see his face.

Cole- I know. My first girlfriend who was named Amanda. Remember her. Well. She did the exact same thing as Axel to me. I forgave her. But of course. Later down the road I realized she wasn't for me. It was Sadie.

He looked down sadly. I went to sit up but he held my shoulders.

Me- gosh. I was going to do something. But nooo. You don't want Sadie awake.

He looked at me with pleading eyes and helped me up. I walked over to her bed and grabbed the syringe that is hidden in the room by me in case someone for instance me went into a coma. I put it in her IV bag and then laid back down in bed.

Me- she'll be up soon.

He nodded smiling. He leaned down and hugged me. I hugged back. Then he went to Sadie's bed.

I looked at the ceiling again. Soon Cole left and Axel walked in. He had a little beard. He sat down beside my bed and grabbed my hand. I instantly pulled it away but he just grabbed it again.

I continued to look at the ceiling. I don't know if I should continue to be the stubborn person I am or just forgive him.

Axel- I'm so sorry Asta. I'm so fucking sorry.
He said hoarsely

I slowly turned my head to look at him. He was already staring at my head. His eyes were red and puffy. He did have a slight beard growing. His hair was tousled as he ran his hands through his hair to many times.

His eyes looked empty. His skin was pale. He was a bit skinnier.

Me- why? Why did you do it?
I whispered

Axel- I was drunk. And I regret it. I cried after it happened.

Me- you were out getting drunk while I was here. In the infirmary. Laying upside down in a bed, carrying triplets.
I whispered coldly

I don't really like to talk above a whisper since Sadie is in the room.

Speak of the demon. She started coughing and I got up and walked over to her. I started to removed the tube. Once I got it out I handed her water and laid down beside her in her bed. She clung onto me for dear life.

Sadie- I'm personally scared of comas

Me- they aren't all that good. Are they?

Sadie- they aren't. It was hell.

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