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Ally's POV

Me- Lexi. It's been such a long time.

Lexi- it's been way to long. Let's do crazy shit. Let's start with drinking.

I smirked and nodded. Lexi lets me show my true self. We went back to the bar. Ace and Axel were going. We started downing as many drinks as we could. Ace saw me and was making his way through the crowd.

Me- Ace is coming
I slurred

She ordered four beers. Handed me two and she had two. We ran into the crowd and hid under the food table. The cloth hiding us.

We were giggling like no tomorrow. I downed both of my beers when it started to get fuzzy. The world was spinning. We crawled out from under the table giggling. I fixed my dress while hers was rose above her panties.

Me- your ass is showing
I whispered

I sorta yelled it in her ear. She blushed and fixed her dress while I was laughing.

Me- wait. I can't go to the bar. Ace is going to be there waiting for you or me. We need someone to get us our drinks.
I whispered

Lexi- agreed
She whispered

We giggled and staggered through the crowd. I was sitting at the bar when Lexi climbed on the bar.

Me- Lex. What are you doing.

Lexi- I hate knowing they made fun of you because of my mistake. So. I'll do the same.

Ace was looking through the crowd. The crowd went quiet and looked at Lexi.

Me- no. Don't do it. Don't be dumb like me.
I whispered

She took her shoes off and threw them on the ground. Sorry Lexi. But I'm not letting you ruin your life. She started lifting up her dress but I was beside her and helped her down even though she fought against my grip.

The crowd was yelling. Freak, strip for us.

That's my nick name. Freak.

Lexi shoved me and I fell down. Sadie helped me up.

Sadie- just let her. She clearly wants to make a fool of herself

Me- she said she wants to do it because it basically ruined my life
I slurred

Sadie- your drunk.
She said sadly

Me- I was bored and angry. Rarrr.

I giggled while she smiled at me.

Me- Grrrr. Sadie looks mad. And when Sadie is mad. She goes grrrr.

Ace and Axel was walking towards me. Lexi had her dress off and was going for her bra when her boyfriend picked her up. He walked towards me. His name is chad

Me- gosh chad. Long time no see. You better be treating my Lexi like a queen.

He chuckled quietly

Chad- she is. I wanted to thank you for trying to get her down.

Me- well thank you for the compliment
I giggled

Chad looked at Sadie

Chad- I'm guessing she is drunk

Sadie nodded. They talked. I got up and stumbled a bit when I ran through the crowd to the bright room. It has fairy lights. No one has came here. So I did. There was a few people in here. Thing one. Thing two. Then I saw Alex.

I sat at the bar and drank it. I played with the rim of my glass. Thing one sat beside me.

Me- oh my gosh. Your hair is so poofy.
I giggled

He looked at me with raised brows. Alex took my drink from me and handed it to Thing two.

Little did they know I have access to the bars here. I got behind the bar and made me a strong drink and downed it.

Thing one- that looks good. Make me one.

I nodded giggling. Axle and Ace were now sitting at the bar watching me. I handed Thing one his drink.

Ace- are you sure you want to drink that. She makes awfully strong - okay then. I guess so.

I made seven more and sat them on the bar. I downed two. I grabbed another even though Axel tried to stop me and I downed it. I saved the rest for Thing one. Lexi was dressed and was soon in here. She took the last drink from Thing ones hand. I made more. I also made a cool drink. It is like jello when it is just sitting there but it's liquid when you drink it.

Axle- how does she even know how to bar tend.

Ace- well she was a bar tender. Once in a lifetime and she got fired for drinking on the job.

I downed my drinks.

Lexi- chad won't let me leave and I brought glitter.

I went wide eyed and literally jumped over the bar. I saw Alex take a sip of Thing ones drink.

Me- Alex. Your too young too drink
I sang

Thing two is sober and glared at her before giving her a talk. We went to the bathroom and we were soon covered I glitter.

I was covered in black and gold glitter. Then she threw a few handfuls of blue glitter at me. Then silver. I threw the green and yellow. She threw purple. We laid down on the floor and made snow angles in the glitter.


We giggled and whispered something. We opened the door.

Me+Lexi- Shine Bright like a diamond
We sang

Everyone who was sobered looked at us in shock. Thing on fell out of his stool laughing. Sadie and Cole walked in and were shocked.

Sadie- damn. I wish I could be covered in glitter

Lexi ran into the bathroom and came back with a bucket of glitter and threw it towards Sadie. I opened my eyes. Both Sadie and Cole were covered in glitter. Sadie laughing. Coles face was etched in a scowl.

Me- aweee Cole doesn't want to shine bright like a diamond. Take that pussy look off

He threw his head back and laughed. I realized what I said and fell on Lexi. We were both laughing. Alex looked lonely. I walked over to her and hugged her. She hugged back.

Me- you seem sad.
I said honestly

Everyone looked at us.

Alex- I'm bored

Me- wanna see something that I'm so going to regret later.

She nodded, grinning.

Me- don't worry bro. It's appropriate.

I grabbed Alex's hand. Everyone followed behind us. We walked out of the room. I climbed up on the stone table. Sadie and Lexi climbed up. Everyone watching quietly.

I whispered to them and they nodded. Lexi handed me glitter. Sadie also had a bucket.

We yelled


I hit the button with one hand. Glitter going everywhere. Me and Sadie and Lexi threw our glitter up landing on us.

Me- that was fun. Alex. Come here.

She jumped up smiling

Me- better

Alex- so much better. Your going to make a good mom.

Me- no I won't. I want more glitter.

Lexi- umm. Well. I sorta ran out.

I did a pouty face. Someone handed me a beer. I got down and threw it away. It was a random person. Could have killed me. I slowly saw the world spinning again. I laid down on the floor. Axle was over me before crouching down and picking me up.

Me- I love you.
I muttered

Axel- I love you too
He said shocked

It's true. I do.

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