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(A/N : I decided when I write 'Ally's POV' I'm going to start saying Astas POV as that his her real name and there is another ally. I think I might use the others Ally's POV later down the road. I know it's a bit confusing but it was all apart of the story. )

Asta's POV
As I walked out of mine and Axels room he has stopped me once again.

Axel- are you sure you want to go to the meeting. You don't have to. You can sit it out.

Me- babe, I'll be fine.

Axel- look. For three months you were talk because no one expected you to be kidnapped. They will say that your weak and shit.

Me- and if they do I'll show them who's boss. I'll kill them.

With that I walked away towards the meeting room. I opened the door and walked in. It went quiet.

My brothers looked at me with sad eyes. I saw one of Ace ex best friend leaders. Rico.

Rico- ah. The weakling who was kidnapped and is back. You know Ally-

Me- Asta.

Rico- Asta. What the hell

Me- It's my name.

Rico- well I never expected the most feared well ex best feared baiter and best fighter and killer kid-

I already shot him dead in the head.

Me- anyone else want to say something or would we like to keep our mouths shut so you don't end up like ol' Rico there.
I said sickly sweet

Axel walked in and saw Rico and my gun. He stopped himself from smiling. I stood beside Axel.

Axel- alright. So as we all know. Ace was working against us all. He said something about having a USB before running off.

Sara- what's so important about this USB.

Axel- it has some locations of drugs, hostages from our gangs, weapons, and plans. We need this USB.

Little did they know. The USB is tiny. It has to be placed in another USB to work. The USB is in my right hand.

Axel- anyone.

Me- I happen to know where the USB is.

Axel looked at me.

Axel- you do.

Me- yeah. First off the USB has to be placed in another USB. A special USB which I also happen to have.

Axel- why

Me- the USB that holds all the information we are looking for is small. It's currently in my hand.

Axel- why

Me- Ace and his father.

Axel- oh.

I pulled the knife from my waist band and cut a cut on my hand without wincing and then I used the tip of the blade and got out the USB.

Then they handed me two napkins. One for my hand. The other for the USB.

I cleaned out the smaller USB and sat it down on the table. I saw someone's hand reaching for it slowly. Until I threw a knife down at the table where it would be. Axel held it so no one would take it.

Me- look. We all have treaties right.

They nodded

Me- well we need to split the drugs, weapons, and plans. The hostages will go back to where they came from. Anyone pulls any shit I will have a bullet in your head

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