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Ally's POV
It's been three months. Three months I've been kidnapped.

Three months I've been away from my family and friends.

Three months I've been mentally and physically amused.

Three months I've been bitchy and hormonal.

Three months I've been scared.

Three months I've been trying to escape multiple times.

Three months I've been depressed.

Three months I've been here which is way to long.

Three months I've been losing hope that my family and friends are looking for me.

Three months I've been pregnant.

Yeah. I'm three months pregnant.

I moved around in the chair more. I'm tied to a chair. I moved more and brought my wrist up and managed to slide out my thin wrist. I untied the other with my wrist. Then I untied my legs.

I got up and fell down. I stretched and started to walk around. I grabbed the knife that is on the tray. The knife they use to torture me.

I opened the door and heard gun shots. Wow. They finally found me or another gang has attacked. I saw a window opened. I walked over to it. I opened it more and looked out. There I saw axle shooting. I climbed out.

My baby bump is noticeable. A guard came running at me but I kneed him in the baby maker and slit his throat. I almost stabbed someone when they touched my shoulder but they caught my knife. It was Cole.

Cole- your safe. Can you shoot still.

I nodded. He handed me a gun and a vest.

Cole- I have to go held the twins. Stay here. And shoot to kill.

I nodded. With that he gave me a hug and kissed my head before running off.

I saw a guard about to stab Axel but I already shot the guard and started shooting all the guards dressed in red. Them idiots. Standing out like no tomorrow. I killed a guy that Axel was about to shoot. He looked in my direction as I shot more. He literally ran to me and hugged me. I hugged back. He kissed my head.

Axel- I've m-

Is shoved him out of the way and took the bullet in the vest I'm wearing.

Axel- god. I've missed you so god damn much.

I signed in sign language I did to and I love him.

Axle- are you okay

They clipped my vocal cords. I motioned to the inch long scar on my neck. His eyes darkened in rage.

Axel- they cut your vocal cords

I nodded. He pulled me into a tighter hug. I saw ace pull a gun on axel. About to shoot him. I shoved axel out of the way. Ace smirked and went to shoot me. I pulled my gun and shot him in the head.

The man who I thought cared for me.

The man who I thought loved me.

The man who I thought was my so called brother.

The man who betrayed his own family and friends and gang.

The war was over. Everyone was walking towards me when I shot ace. They all saw what he was doing.

Axle wrapped his arm around my waist protectively. I saw Sadie running up towards us from the gates with a baby. I pulled away from Axle and smiled and Sadie. She tackled me to the ground.

Sadie- Look Toby. It's your god mother.

I looked at Toby and smiled.

Sadie- god did I miss that smile. I missed you so so so so much. I love you.

I signed I loved her to.

Sadie- wait. What's wrong.

Axel- they cut her vocal cords so we are going to have to take her to the gang hospital as she is the most wanted girl in the world.

I looked at him. He smirked and nodded. I frowned. Not what I wanted. Sadie got up and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back.

For three months I've been in my training outfit.

My twin little brothers, my sisters Alex, and Holly all ran to me. Tackling me to the ground embracing me in a hug. I did manage to shield my stomach. I hugged them back.

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