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Axels POV
It's been to long, hard, sad two months.

We weren't aloud to face time, call, or text Asta so we have two wait two months. Well now we are waiting at the jet landing strip.

She would be five months pregnant now. We saw a jet and it soon landed.

Me, Thing one, Thing Two, Alex, Ally, Charlie, Alexis, Sadie, Cole, and Lexi were all here.

The jet door opened and soon we saw a bag thrown on a ground. Then we saw a very pregnant Asta come down. She was engrossed in her phone. Her hair was a total different color.

Hair color:

To be honest we were all shocked

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To be honest we were all shocked. She looked up and smiled. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her. Not caring about her huge stomach. I crouched down to her stomach and lifted her shirt some and kissed her belly.

Me- I missed you Asta.

I pulled her shirt down and got up and kissed her. Before it could go further she pulled away.

Thing one and thing two ran to her and engulfed her in what looked to me a tight hug. They crouched down to her stomach and talked to there nephews and niece. They kissed her belly before pulling her shirt down and getting up and kissed her head.

Sadie ran over holding a very cranky Toby and handed Toby to Asta before throwing her arms around Asta.

Sadie- god did I miss you. It's been such a long time. No more deals like that.

Asta- we get hospitals though. I will be honest I barely did shit over there. Because he literally had seven guards following be everyday. Who I became very close with and we all began to screw around with. You know. Pranking the president is hilarious

They all laughed while I smiled.
End of POV

Asta's POV
We all decided we should just go home and hang out. I got in the backseat of the car. Axel sat beside me and he looked tired. I intertwined our fingers. He seemed happy about that. His head was on my shoulder.

He seemed uncomfortable. I moved my seat back and he then laid his head on my chest and he slowly fell asleep.

Thing one- we have a ten hour drive back to the house.

I looked at him weird

Thing one- we moved once again as we sold the house to Sara, the other gang leader.

I nodded. I laid my head back and slowly fell asleep.

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