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Asta's POV
We pulled up to the mansion and I got out and grabbed my duffle bag. Then I grabbed Coles and tossed it to him. He caught it.

Axel was behind us. My room was a few doors down from Coles. Axels room was right next door to mine.

I sat down on the bed and pulled out my computer and started to look through some gang related stuff. I heard my door open. I thought it would be Cole but no. It the manwhore himself.


Me- what.
I said annoyed

Look. I'm working. He won't stop bothering me. I don't want anything to do with him. We are toxic for each other. He sat down on the edge of my bed.

I was at the desk in the room. Working on my computer.

Axel- can we talk. Without arguing
He asked

Me- why.
I asked quietly

Not that I wanted to be quiet. It's just I'm working and I'm distracted. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He got up and shut my computer. I glared up at him. His tall figure already looking down at me.

He looks way to different. My eyes stopped at his pink plump lips. I immediately looked away. He sat down across from me. Looking at me intently.

Me- what do you want to talk about?
I asked annoyed

Axel- us and our kids

Me- fine and my kids

Axel- ours. Mine and yours. It also took me to help make them.

Me- whatever. Continue

Axel- I want to try again with you.

Me- why

Axel- I love you.

Me- love. Interesting word.

Axel- Asta. Come on.
He said tiredly

Me- I have a gang who I will not betray for love. I ain't becoming anymore broken as I am. I'm not going back with you.

Axel slammed his hands on the desk before getting up and walking towards me. I got up and tried to run towards the door but he grabbed me by my arm and smashed his lips into mine

I was quite surprised that I kissed back. He placed his hands on my waist. I slowly trailed my hands up his chest causing him to groan into my mouth.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer to him before picking me up. Our lips still locked.

He laid me down on the mattress. He hovered above me staring at me. I stared back at him. He then took his belt and shirt off. He unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it off. 

He then smashed his lips back into mine while unbuttoning my jeans and he pulled back and pulled of my jeans and then he took off his.

I need to stop before this gets out of control.

But, as soon as I went to say something or move he was kissed me again. His hands unclasped my bra. He ripped off my underwear and trailed kisses down my neck causing me to moan here and there.

He rubbed circular motions near my clit causing me to become wet and a moaning mess.

Good thing this is a sound proofed room.

He pulled back to take his underwear off. I was a panting mess.

I was soon moaning again as he pushed his member inside me. I threw my head back and moaned louder. He sucked on my neck.

He finished putting his member inside me and then he started thrusting in and out causing me to moan while he groaned.

Once he pulled himself out of me I straddled him and kissed his neck causing him to moan. I rolled my hips making him groan and then I was on bottom. His eyes were dark with lust.

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