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Ally's POV
As I cried in the shower I realized I must have been in here for a long time because I had the water on full blast and the water is fucking freezing. I got out and took my clothes off. I looked in the mirror. My lips were blue and my skin was pale. I wrapped a towel around me and I walked to my closet pulling on a warm outfit.

I laid down in my bed immediately felt warm. I curled into a ball. I started to think and fell asleep. It was only six at night. Damn.


When I woke up I looked at the clock. It was 6am. I slept for twelve hours. And it fell amazing. I got out of bed and got dressed in a training outfit and started training.

I wanted to sleep longer but I can't.

I walked down to the gym and started throwing punches at the punching bag. I was angry. Might as well let my anger out. I saw that Thing one and Thing Two were also training but on the other side of the gym. They probably don't know I am even here.

I totally forgot to wrap my hands. and of course me being me I remember when the punching bag flys off the chain. Thing one and Thing two stopped doing pulls ups and looked over. I walked to the first aid part in the gym which happens to be close to where the bag ended up.

I started cleaning my bloodied and bruised knuckles. Then someone took over. I looked up. Thing one.

Thing two- why didn't you wrap your hands

Me- distracted

Thing two- you would have to be pretty pissed.

Me- Charles. This isn't the time or day to mess with me.

He looked hurt when I called him Charles. I've never called them by there real names. Just thing one and thing two.

Thing one- I think your done training today.

Me- ya know. I think your right. I think I'll go shoot guns.

With that. I pulled my hands away from him and got up and walked out. Leaving a sad thing one. And a pained thing two.

I'll regret it later for sure. I walked to the shooting range and pulled my two guns out of my waist band and started shooting the targets. I saw that Ace joined in. I stopped when he put his hand in front of it.

Ace- what happened to your hands

Me- I forgot to wrap them. When I was training. And I was mad so.

I pulled my gun away from his hand and started shooting. Then o went down to the next target. Then I got tired. Reloaded my guns. Put them in safety mode and walked to the gym. More people were there. I decided to start with a run and saw that Alex joined me.

We ran ten miles. She got through the whole thing without complaining. The whole time thing one and thing two watched me.

I was walking to a corner I claimed to do push ups. Sit ups. Planks. And shit like that.

Alex- what happened. You can talk to me.

I sat down in my corner and she sat down beside me. Thing one and thing two are on the other side of the gym watching me. Probably thinking I'll hurt Alex.

Me- i...I don't know how to tell you about it.
I said honestly.

Alex- then try.

I nodded and tried to form.

Me- after yesterday. When I ran out. It was because I want what Sadie and Cole have. I don't think Axel would want that. I also am pissed with Axel because whenever he does a loving or romantic thing. He walks out. Leaving me confused
I admitted

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