War and Man

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Man or Human, however, you wish to word us. Except for Nature is The Top Predator on Earth. War starts for many reasons. Control of The People that live there, the resources Farmland, Water, Coal,
Gold, Silver, even Oil.  The Republic wants all of the above then some. Sarna and the Thirteen Lands have a lot to overcome. Not only Ships of Steel machine guns, Aircraft, an Army and People that seem to have no regard for life.

With so much stacked against them, can they win? Norm has said it a few times. Underdeveloped Lands have beaten more developed Lands before. Can help from the North and West even make a difference? If they do decide to help, can they arrive in time? Sarna and her Armies must move fast, how many Ships of steel and soldiers do they have? Questions so many. Please, all continue on with me and our fight to save The Thirteen Lands.
Thanks for reading

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