So she threatens us with death. Caught butchering
surrendering soldiers. Thinks we will surrender,
our men are instructed to die fighting. Mason what
you brought as information. Is hardly that!
You didn't live up to your agreement. General I did
as instructed to see if this Sarna is real alive.
How large the Army is, I did all that.You were caught! This letter shows nothing but
a fools writing. I can also see fear her wanting to
talk stop this. Not an option for her. Mason you'll
see your Family die only after we have our way.
With your wife, while you watch! I bet the young
ones will be good.General I've done as asked please, let us live.
I'll be a servant I'll go to slaughter let them live.You will be turned over to our Intelligence branch.
If they feel you have fulfilled our agreement.
They will live. I've nothing more. The guards shall
take you away. As he stood to get them. Mason grabbed a candle holder dove at the General.
Hitting him with it. Then again the General rolled
some punching Mason then headbutting him.
Mason swung again missing, hitting the floor.
Mason kept fighting rage drove him on. He started
Choking the General clamping hard around the neck pushing with all he had. Mason pushed squeezed. The General stopped moving and breathing. He hit the General with
candle holder over and over blood flew and sprayed on him. He stopped only after the face and head was beat past recognition.Panting like a mad dog, how long would I give myself before worries, would check on me.
Hour maybe two. Been least half hour. Moving to
the window peering out. They didn't hear to far away. Now how do I get out, not be seen? Think
think Bill. Back door would it have a guard?
Most surely it would, check it maybe not?Now I've done it! Gave my family its death! I don't
know where they are! Fool Bill stupid fool. Think
get out try and find them. Back door I see no guards non! Blood Bill change clean up. Time I've
time hurry! Running up the steps just a shirt and pants wash this blood off go! Oh the clothes are a little big, no matter I'll look like I'm on hard times.
Less likely noticed. As the door gently opened he
looked around no guards just a wooden fence only
three foot tall an alley. He ran jumped the fence.
Ran down the alley.Moving behind houses alley ways. Bill kept going
till he found a small warehouse. He found away in
stepped straight into a mess. People gathered inside in a window less room. Who are you! Grab him! We can't be found out! Bill said no need I'll
not fight. Listen I'm just hiding till I can figure out,
where my family is. I'll move on not a word said.You ain't going any where! Who are you? Bill Mason, I just killed the General in charge here!
I've got a find my family, don't have clue where they are. Who might you be? They call me Ghost,
that is all you need to know. Them that came call me that. Your family is probably dead and even worse they is food by now. Unless one of them
found the wife nice looking. Then she is a toy to
Him. We can't trust you or any that aren't invited.
Tie him up, gag him till we decide how to get rid
of him. Sir do we need to he said he killed the General.I don't care if he killed all the Officers. We can't be
taking chances. We want to live and fight these thugs we can't be found out. Bill shouted wait before they gagged him, I know how to get to Sarna! I've met her! Gag him, I don't care what the
fool says. Take him down into the cellar an kill
him. Make it a quick death. No need for agony.Kit north east of Columbia
About Dark men, we'll get ta where the shootin
started at dark. Wait till it gets late, they start gettin tired. We move in quiet take that gun and ammo git gone before they know. Jones you stay with the horses me and Dan get that gun. Listen
Jones hear bunch a shootin, stay put for least fifteen minutes. Then git like thunder don't hang
around, report back to Jacob. Dan we are gonna crawl up get that gun kill those with that gun quiet like. No shootin no yellin in and out.
Tale Of Sarna The Shield Warrior First United Army
AventuraSecond Part of Tale Of Sarna Shield Warrior. The world has moved on. Sarna's continuing Adventure to build an Army and beat the Invaders. Will all the Thirteen Lands survive, Will Sarna. lead them on to win.