▸ d r e a m

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When you were little, you've always wanted to do something to help people. Even something small, like a doctor, or sometimes something big like the Military.

Now that you're [C/O/A], you still haven't found anything that matches your childhood dreams. You've had jobs in the past, but it feels like you're being forced to do those type of jobs. You barely got paid too, you're rent just barely passing by as accepted.

You lived in a small apartment, it was cozy and basically all you needed. And could afford at the moment.

You were sitting in your bed on [F/A], when you found an ad. It was called 'apex legends', and it seemed interesting to you. You keep scrolling. It was definitely a match of what you wanted to do for years now.

Your eyes lit up as you went to see were to apply for Apex. There was a number to call, so you called it.

They accepted.

"Toxic Love" | Caustic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now