▸ a n o t h e r v i c t o r y

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Your team consists of Wraith, Caustic and yourself of course. Wraith really wanted to be jumpmaster, but caustic did too.

"You're going to lead us to someplace where we get killed so you can solo. I'm not going to allow such things to happen to us."

"You're just going to lead us somewhere where good loot is so you can take it for yourself, Alexander."

"Don't call me that."

"I can say whatever I want, Nox."

"You're going to die first, I can smell it."

"Ugh!" You jump off solo to a place and you can hear them still arguing, but they follow wherever you're going anyways.

"You should of let Y/N go in the first place, Nox." "Is that really what you're going to call me now?" "That's your problem, Nox?"

Wraith was teasing Caustic and you knew it. Why did they agree to pair up again?..

You were landing to a place where not a lot of people were. Maybe 1 or 2 but they're probably fleeing by now.

You picked up a wingman, a level 2 helmet and a level 1 knockdown shield. Not too bad for middle tier loot.

Ping! "Here, Nox. You said you needed a gun, right?" You could see her smiling.

"I don't need a Mozambique."

You snicker a little bit. It was kinda funny.

"That is no laughing matter. I need a gun or we're all going to die."

"Or we can leave you to fend for yourself. death would surely like seeing you again."

"Just- here." You pinged a p2020 for Alex.

"It'll do." He picked it up and started heading towards the ring.

"Acourding to my map, the ring will be this way." Caustic points straight ahead and pinged a location.

Everyone started heading there, but wraith faded away. She was now way far ahead of us.

"Hey! You can't do that!" You yell at her. "You need to come back!" But she ignored you and ran off anyways.

"We don't need her. Let's just go to it by ourselves." You and him started walking towards the ring, and sure enough, wraith was being shot at. She didn't say anything about it though. She probably knew she was being a jerk and if she had said anything, she would of looked weak.


There she goes. She's been wiped out. "Don't bother getting her flag, Y/N." "I.. wasn't planning on it." "Good."

[time skip]

There was only one squad left and the ring was getting smaller and smaller by the minute. How can we not find them?


"They're over there!" You ping their location and start shooting at them. At this point, you had much better gear than before. You shot one of them down and the other. But where was the last person?


Caustic won us another victory.


Hey guys! I wanted to try and make this chapter kinda long since most of my others are short to read and the fact I'm not updating a lot. Sorry about that! But I'm not on wattpad a lot, but I'll try to for the remaining days of my spring break.

I'm also so glad you guys are enjoying my terrible story :') I don't think it's that good, but I'm glad you guys are enjoying it!

Again, I'll try and update more, but it isn't really a promise haha;;

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