▸ d a t e s

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After your confession time with caustic, you two decided to go on a date.. you've been putting off time being a scientist to hang out more with him, but most of the time you are just lazy to learn. You try, yes, but most of the time it doesn't work out.

Your first date was going to be at the tea shop you two first met; it was calming and just.. who doesn't like a good drink with your loved one?

You were going to go with something casual as Alex doesn't really need you to impress him, and vise versa.

You knocked on his door and saw him wearing a black hoodie with some cargo-colored pants, and some sneakers.

"You look comfy." You smiled. "As do you." He returned the favor. He grabbed you by your waist and kissed your forehead. He rubbed your back. "Let's go." He took your hand and held it all the way to the coffee shop.

[time skip after tea because yes]

You went into his house and locked the door. The tea was nice and it felt good to finally go on a date with Alex. It was one of the best you've had.

Alex sighs. "Why did out of everyone, you fall for me?" He asks. You take has hand and cup it. "Because you're the only one that understood me. You're very kind and bold. I wouldn't choose anyone else over you." You gave him a soft smile. He chuckled.

"I was gonna say something, but.. i'on know." It's nice to know he feels comfortable talking to you in a normal way instead of scientific terms.



Hey! Sorry I'm taking long to write I know it's nerve wracking to be left on a cliffhanger haha :'))) but the next chapter will be smut hehe

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