▸ f i n i s h i n g b a t t l e

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2 squads left; 6 people. We can do this.

We were walking and collecting more loot when we heard gunfire. "Enemies over there!" I yelled out and pinged the location. "Heard that." Mirage replies.

You start shooting them with your longbow with a legendary sniper threat; you thought the gun was pretty good. You headshot one of them. "Oooh.. sorry about that." You laugh a bit to yourself. "What'd you do?" Mirage asks. "Headshot."

"Nice!" Mirage smiles at you. Caustic seems to be listening to none of this. "You hear that, old man? She got her first headshot! Try and lighten up."

He snapped his head real quick at mirage and crinkled his nose. "Old man? Really? Childish." He shook his head and looked through his gun. You whisper to mirage, "does he hate us?" "No, in fact he only does this to people he likes. He likes us, just keep teasing him about it."

Mirage turned to his gun again and then to you again. "Oh! You should invite him to tea after this. He loves tea." "Alright." You smile at mirage and go to your gun again.

Pow! Pow!

You look over to Caustic; he headshotted the 2 remaining people. "Some things you just gotta do yourself." He looks over to you and mirage.

"Wooooooow. Didn't think you'd do it." Mirage says while smiling. "mmmm." Is all caustic says.

You hug caustic from behind. "Grrr, get offa me!" You stood there, smiling, while caustic was trying super hard to get you off.

"If you go to get tea with me, I'll get off." He stops and looks at you. "What? what do you want?" "Tea with you. It's just.. tea." You look up and smile at him. "Fine. But this is only to get you off." You get off of him and mirage does a 'come on' motion while you two follow.

"Toxic Love" | Caustic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now