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"Why did you want to invite me to tea?" Caustic asks. "I want to get to know you better; and you can't deny tea is pretty good." "mmm.. yea, guess so." You turn and slightly smile at him.

You two enter the place and get into a line. It was sorta weird to see him without all of his gear. He was wearing a gray shirt and dark blue jeans and sneakers.

"I honestly thought you'd still be in your gear like Bloodhound." You laugh a bit. He chuckled just a bit. "No.. I don't get Bloodhound though. Never have, probably never will." He added.

You were next in line. "Hello! How may I help you guys?" They smiled at you. "Uh, I'll take a [F/T]." You say. "I'll take a peppermint tea." Caustic says. "Alright! What will the name be under?" "Nox." Caustic says. "Alright!" They walked over and yell our order and so we go to sit down and wait for our tea.

"Nox?" You ask. "Is that your real name?" "mm.. yea. Names Alexander Nox." "Alright.. you care if I call you Alex or you still wanna be called caustic?" "Doesn't matter." He slightly smiled at you. "Honestly never thought you'd never smile." You laugh a bit. "I might act a little mean, but I swear I'm sweet." "Ah, alright. Trying to act like a tough guy?" "Eh. You could put it that way." You two laughed a bit.

"Nox?" The people yell out. You both get up and get your teas and walk out.

"So, what's up with you and liking gas so much?" You ask while sipping your tea. "It's just interesting to me." "I find it interesting too. It sounds really weird, but I kinda like seeing movies were people are dying from gas." You look down while still sipping your tea.

He looks at you. "Yea. I like those kind of movies too. I actually had a career where that's all I did. But the lab found out and stripped me from my job." He took a sip of his tea. "That sucks. So why'd you join Apex Legends?" He chuckled. "To fill in my old job." "Ah.. maybe we could go to your house and I could learn more about gas chemicals?" He nodded.

"Alright, that's fine." You two headed over to his house.

"Toxic Love" | Caustic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now