▸ y o u (language warning)

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(Hey guys! Just a quick message before we start; thank you so much for 2k reads and 93 votes; I really do appreciate it! But for now, I don't believe I'll be updating this book anymore. I could feel the wave of sadness coming upon you guys haha.. but! I will still write other books on here. But I've been out of the apex legends fandom, and when I was in it was when I wrote this book, so why write a book I don't wanna write anymore? I fandom hop a lot, so I might start a book on one thing then the other. Just a note that I'm pretty sure most of my books will be off the fandom I'm currently in. So, enjoy the last chapter of this book, and thank you for reading and being ever so patient with me!! ❤️)


As morning crawled upon your eyes, you groaned. You pulled over a pillow over your eyes so you wouldn't be blinded. You felt Alex put his arms around your waste as you jump. "Heh. Good morning, (Y/N)." You look behind you as you see Alex with just a shirt on.

"Good morning." You tried not to act weird because you didn't remember what happened last night. Most of it was a blur--did you drink?

"Alex, did I drink anything last night?" You asked.

"Not anything that I know of, besides the tea. Did you spike it?" "No, why would I spike my own tea?" "You never know." He smiled softly at you as he pecked your lips and got up from the bed. You got up from the bed as well as you put on your clothes from last night, seeing as that was the only clothing you had at the moment.

"Alex, what exactly happened last night?"
You asked. He looked behind him as he smirked and chuckled to himself. "You honestly don't remember?" "So you think I'm asking just to ask?" Now you're getting grumpy. You're not a morning person and he's not answering your question. "You really wanna know?" "Yes, Alex."

"We fucked."

"Haha, very funny Alex." "Nah. I'm serious, buttercup." You blushed at the fact that he called you buttercup and the fact that you actually fucked. That explains why you're sore.

Sigh. "I'm gonna go to my place to get changed and get ready. I'll be around the base area." You got up and ruffled Alex's hair before going out.

Before even getting the chance to leave, Alex's dad mode popped up as he ran down the hallway and to the door. He was smiling like a goofball.

"You think you can rile my hair and get away with it?!" He pinned you to the wall and ruined your hair. He was smiling. He was smiling about this!

"Ahhaha! Stop! Alex! I need to get ready!!" He stopped as he let you leave. "I love you." He smiled softly. "I know." You smirked. "I won't let you leave until you say it back." Your hand was already on the doorknob as you rushed out. He was running behind you as you gained tires after running for a while. He grabbed you wrist and started kissing your face. "Say it!!!" He said in a playful manner. "Haha! Fine!! I love you too, Alex." He stopped and let go of your wrist.

"Good." He smiled again and started to head back. It's surprising how he can just snap out of it.

~time skip~

You were dressed and ready and you were walking around base. You haven't talked to anyone in a while. You walked over to find bloodhound in the training facility, and found there was a person he was talking to.

"Bloodhound?" You asked.

"Oh, greetings, Y/N."

"Who are you talking to?"



He turned around and there laid a crow in his hand. So, he was taking to his raven? "Her name is what? Croak?"

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