▸ a p o l o g y

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You didn't know where you were going. You didn't know why it hurt so bad. You didn't know why he wouldn't answer your questions. You didn't know why he was acting this way.

Too many questions. So little answers. You could hear him yelling your name but you just kept on running. You wanted to let the tears flow. But you couldn't right now. You needed to go to your hotel. You needed to get Bloodhound.

You ran around base trying to find Bloodhound. If you didn't find him soon, you'd cry right then and there. Choking back crocodile tears wasn't easy.

You found him in the training ground. You ran to him and hugged him, not caring what his reaction was. "Y/N? What's wrong?" He grabbed you chin to make you look at him. "I- I didn't- I'm just confused. Caustic doesn't want to talk to me.. and he just.. i-" the mix of wanting to cry but holding back, the burning in your throat and confusion just couldn't let you speak. You satisfied yourself by crying into bloodhounds chest.

"I'm sorry.." "it's ok. There is no need to be sorry, Y/N." He started to run his fingers through your hair trying to calm you down. "Would you like to sit down and talk about it?" You both sat down and you took a breath.

"Caustic and I agreed that he would teach me how to be a scientist. But I saw him on the news and then i tried to find him to tell him so. He asked me did I watch the news and I said yes, but he sighed in relief and we went to his house. We didn't talk until I broke the silence asking him why he asked, and he just got so mad at me... I don't know what I did or why he's not answering my questions."

"Caustic is a strange man, Y/N. Perhaps he did something he regretted and doesn't want to tell you. Maybe he wants your friendship to be as nice as possible, or perhaps he's trying to protect you from danger. Whatever it is Y/N, he has his reasons. You can talk to him later to figure it out, or you can just stay with me so you can cool down until you're ready."

You hugged Bloodhound one last time. "Thank you so much, Bloodhound." "No problem." You got up to talk to Alex again. Maybe this time he'll explain.

"Toxic Love" | Caustic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now