▸ c a l m i n g

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It was around 1 PM and today was already getting stressful. You just wanted things to be alright again.

Tea. You needed to bring him tea... maybe that will calm him down? And maybe explain some more? You need a cup as well.

You went by the tea shop and got his tea he got last time and your F/T. You didn't know his FAVORITE but you knew that he at least liked peppermint tea.

Walking over to his house, you were drinking your tea. You needed something to calm your nerves other than bloodhounds support.

"Hello?.. Alex? It's me, Y/N." You say while knocking on his door. You hear a grunt and footsteps. He opens the door. He doesn't seem as mad now, but still irritated. "What do you want?.." "I- uh, brought you tea. Can I come in?" You smiled awkwardly as you hand him his tea.

He takes the tea and opens the door so you can enter.

He put the tea on a table right next to him and man spreads on the couch and cups his face into his hands.

"Y/N.. there are just complications that I don't believe you can comprehend just yet. I don't want one of my only trust-worthy friends to.. not think I'm so trust-worthy. Get the point?" "I do get it, but if you think I'm trust-worthy, why won't you tell me?.. i understand if you don't want to tell me, but I'm honestly just curious. You don't have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable." You smile slightly.

You didn't realize at first you were doing this, but you were holding his hand and rubbing the top of it with your thumb. You realized it when you stopped talking. How long have you been doing this for?...

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that.." you took your hand away slightly embarrassed. "It's all good. It did calm me." He smiled a bit at you.

"Recruiters: please re-direct to base. Battle starts in 30 minutes."

"Guess we should go," you get up and nudge him with your elbow. "Wanna team?" "Of course."

"Alright, lets go!"

"Toxic Love" | Caustic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now