▸ s p e c i a l (smut warning)

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(This chapter will mainly be for females, so,, uh sorry if your nb or male ;( this is smut btw)
"Tell me Alex, we're dating now, you can tell me just about anything." You give him a smile. "I just don't know if you'll be comfortable enough." He replies.

"I will, Alex. Tell me please." He didn't want to hurt you in anyway; didn't wanna lose you. "Ah.. I wanted.. i don't know anymore." He just sat there. "Well, is you really don't feel comfortable, I won't force you to tell me." You get up from the couch to go home, maybe he'll text you it later.

"Please- Wait." He grabbed your arm as you sat back down on the couch. "Wha-?" Before you could say anything, you were cut off with a kiss. It wasn't like a peck on the cheek or lips like he normally does; it was heated. Forceful, almost.

When he let go so you could get air, he didn't want to stop. But didn't want to hurt you. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He looked you into your eyes, he 100% did NOT want to hurt you in any way, shape or form. He's said it dozens of times before, even if you were dating for just a short while.

You nod as you get dragged onto his bedroom. You've gone into it a couple of times, but you never really SAT in there, normally just a look around.

He sits you on top of his bed as he continues to kiss you. He goes all the way down to your neck to your collarbone, leaving marks that would probably last a while. Your breathing was already getting heavy.

He undressed both of you as all you were left were your underwear and bra. He kept biting your upper chest area, which was driving you wild. "Please.." he looked up to you with only love in his eyes. Without saying a word, took off the last that was covering your bodies.

He kissed you as he thrusting into you, making you moan. You waited so long for this to happen, and today was the day that it'd happen. He repeated his thrusts over and over again. It started to get heated as he got more violent within his thrusts, making sure that he was getting pleasure as well as you were. He would occasionally stop to ask if you're doing alright, but you were better than ever.

As he came to a snapping point, you couldn't take much more till yours either. There were grunts from Alex and your moans filling the air as he finally did one last thrust and put his load into you. He slid out as you and him were satisfied.

You cleaned up and got dressed and slept the night with Alex.

Hellooo~~!  Hopefully you enjoyed this, because this was my first smut & didn't know if this was okay haha ^^ anywaaaaays, see you hopefully in the next chapter I make! :)

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