▸ t r a i n i n g

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"Hello?" You called out. You were at the place they told you to go on the phone. You started walking, and as you did you turned around and walked backwards to see this entire place. It was huge.

Whilst doing so, you ran into someone. You quickly turned around and looked up to them.

"I'm sorry! I'm new here, I'm-" "[Y/N], correct?" "Ye-yea..." "Welcome to Apex Legends. I'm Bluth Hundr, but you can call me Bloodhound."

They held out their hand for you to shake. You hesitated for a second, then took it.

"Come, I will show you the basics."
As soon as they said that, they sled down the hill and motioned you to follow. You sat and sled down the hill.

When you got there, there were 2 crates, ammo all over the floor, weapons and a ton of targets.

"Here in apex legends, you'll need stuff to arm your self. Do so now." You picked up a syringe, and 2 bombs. "Try them out."

You threw both of the bombs at the targets and looked over at Bloodhound, slightly smiling. You were proud of yourself for taking down 5 of the targets with just one of the bombs, and 3 with the other one.

"Good. Now try the syringe out. But first, you'll need to be damaged." "Hu-?" Before you could say anything, you felt a stinging sensation. It felt like something bit you.

"Try out the syringe. While doing so, you'll need to tell your brothereen that you're patching up on the battlefield, so while you're using the syringe, say something you'd say so they will watch your back."

You look at them for a second. "Wait, how do I use it?.." they look at you and then do a motion of stabbing their arm with a syringe. "In the arm. Hold it there until it's all gone."

You weren't a fan of needles, and the fact you had to do it yourself kinda freaked you out. But you didn't it anyway. "Taking a moment to patch up, watch my back!" They nodded. "Good."

"Now in this box, you'll find armor and shield cells. Arm yourself." You put on the armor and used the cells. They simply nodded and pointed over to the guns that were sitting there.

"Use those. Pick which one you'd like. Remember, you can only pick up 2 guns at a time."

You trained all day until you were decent.

"Good job [Y/N]. You'll be ready to go on the battlefield tomorrow. Get some rest."

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