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"Woah, your house is so clean! I love it!" You look in awe. It was tiny but roomy. "Thanks, I always try and keep it tidy around here." You both finish and throw away your teas.

You walk around the place, it was very cozy.
"Come." Alex motions to you follow him and you do so.

You walk down a couple of stairs and into a lab. It was filled with a whole bunch of stuff that you can't even.. describe.

So, SO many chemicals, lab equipment.. and so many other things. "Woah! Is this where you make your gases?" "Mhmm."

You walk around and find a book. It had no cover, or name for that matter. "What's this?" "Its where I store chemical recipes and where if they've gone good or bad. You can read it but," he laughs a bit "it's kinda boring."

You flip through a couple of pages. How was this boring to him? This is so fascinating! "You really made all of these? By yourself?" He simply nodded.

"Can you teach me sometime?" "Eh.. it's kinda dangerous and.. you don't have the correct equipment for that kind of stuff. Sorry." He shrugged. "Oh." You sadly reply.

"Hey, how come this is interesting to you? I know you explained to me earlier, but most people I show this are bored as soon as they read the first paragraph of the page." He asks.

"Well, I don't know. It's just.. chemicals and gas are very fascinating to me. It's just.. weird that I like this kind of stuff, but I just do, ya know?" You look up from the book to look at him.

"Yea, kinda hard to explain huh?" You nod. "Do you want to be a scientist, (Y/N)? Or did another job catch your eye?" "Well, apex did I guess." You smile while looking at the book. "Right, right." It was silent for a bit.

"Would you like to be one, though?"

"Toxic Love" | Caustic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now