▸ f r i e n d

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"Huh?" You ask. "You can be a scientist. I'll show you all you need to know, Y/N." He looked at you while you got up from the book.

"Really?!" You jump up excitedly. "Mhmm. We can start tomorrow morning." He replied. "Why not now?" You ask. "It's getting late, that's why. You want me to walk you back to your hotel?" You nod.

You both walked back until you hit your hotel. You didn't have a house just yet for obvious reasons, but the hotel is still good.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully. Unless we have another battle planned." He patted your back and started to walk away.

"W-Wait! Alex?" He turned around. "Hm?"
"I just wanted to say.. thank you for hanging out with me today. It was fun." He nodded. "It was fun to be with you too, Y/N." You smiled and walked into your room.

You walked into your room and turned on the lights and sighed. You were hungry so you made yourself some macaroni and plopped on the couch. You turned on the news to see what was on.

As soon as the tv turned on, there was a gas outbreak, so of course you were interested in it. The man was a scientist and formally got banned from the lab and joined another team. Why did that sound familiar?

"The name of the man apparently goes by 'caustic', formally Alexander Nox."



Sorry this chapter wasn't so long, I had writers block (art block but for writing) for a while and just while I was away so many people voted for my story and now this has almost 400 reads?! I can't thank you guys enough! My heart did a big uwu this is probably the only book I'll keep writing since my other books weren't as good as this one and then fact my other stories only got about 21 reads from myself trying to re-read them to make sure I had my grammar correct :') but I'll be sure to make more chapters today!

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