▸ m e e t i n g e v e r y o n e

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You woke up and got ready for today. You went to the base and went to find Bloodhound again. You found him in the training area again.

"Good morning [Y/N], did you get good rest?" They ask you. You nod. "Mhmm!" "Good. Because today you'll  be meeting new people and going out to battle today."

Your eyes lit up. This is the moment you've been waiting for, for years!! You're finally going to learn to battle to protect other peoples lives!

"Follow me." They motioned for you to follow them. You both walk until you hit a lobby.

"Here is where we go to hang out before a match. I'll be in the training ground, but you can stay here for a while until you get called to go into the battlefield. I'll mostly be training all day, and if you need to re-train, give me a call."

You nod and turn around to see everyone was looking at you. "Uh.. h-hi! I'm [F/N] [L/N], I'm n-new here!" This is already great; you were stuttering. You're shaky.

A man with curly hair to the side spoke up. "Hey cutie! What brings you here?" You blush slightly. "Well," you sit down beside him. "I've always wanted to fight for something, so I-" "awe, such a plain story." "Hey bartender, you can't be talking."

You turn to see who said that. It was a man in a gas mask. So.. him and bloodhound have gas masks? I wonder if something toxic is on the battlefield to where I might need to wear a gas mask.

"Hey, I was a /cool/ bartender." He turned over to the man and stuck his tounge out. "So childish." The man said. The man with curly hair turned back to you. "Ignore him. He's just a crazy gas man."

"Atleast I do something cool for a living and not flirt with almost every living thing I see." "What's up with you today? Couldn't make your gas correctly and your mommy had to help?" You snickered a bit.

"You guys haven't even told me your names yet and I love this already." You said. "Have we? I thought I did. Well, I'm Mirage. Nice to meet you, [Y/N]." He held his hand out and you shook it.

After he did so, he elbowed the man to the right of him. "Hey grumpy, they want to know your name too." The man huffed and then said "Caustic. Don't think we'll automatically be friends like sweet talker over there."

"Nawe~ you called me a sweet talker~" Mirage said, while batting his eyes. "I'm gonna-" Before Caustic could finish, there was a intercom.

"Battle starts in 5 minutes. Select your teammates and get ready."

"Toxic Love" | Caustic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now