Chapter 10

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Ari's POV

After I close and lock my dorm room door, I turn to face Justin, his muscular, tan arms are crosses over his chest and he doesn't look happy. Ugh.

"What I ask?" He looks at me like it's the most obvious thing in the world that I'm oblivious to.

"Ari, that guy is exactly what you don't want in a guy! He's pulling you in with his charms, good looks and money and then he's going to break your heart! I'm just trying to help you and look out for you, even if your not into me it's fine just beware with that guy." He stares me deep in the eyes, jaw clenched. Geez what's with guys clenching their jaws?

"Justin." I put my hand on his upper arm to try and calm him down a little. I can see him visibly relax a little.

"I rejected him earlier, we were going to go on a date but I thought of what happened in the past and decided it was in my best interest if Mitchell and I remained friends. He offered me a job at his company as his assistant so I'm going to work for him so we're strictly colleagues and friends." I explain, hoping it'll ease the tension between us. I can tell Justin doesn't like him and probably wants to tell me to stay away from him but I'm guessing unless something drastic happens, he won't say that out loud.

He sighs, before engulfing me in a hug. He actually smells really good, I don't know how to describe his scent, but very manly. Nothing like Mitchell's though. Ughhh I need to stop thinking about him!

As he releases me from his embrace, he says goodbye and leaves my dorm and I decide to get ready for my new job tomorrow. I'm so nervous, plus I'm working with a hot guy.

I make myself a snack consisting of lays chips with dip and take it to my room to eat while I get ready for bed.

I shower, put on my pajamas and brush my teeth before going to bed.


Next morning:

My alarm goes off at 6:30 am. I groan as I roll over to turn off the annoying sound.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. After that, I go to my closet and put on a white button up top with a black pencil shirt that ends a bit above my knees, a burgundy blazer over the white top and black heels.

I look at myself in my full body mirror, admiring the look.

I go to the bathroom to straighten my hair and apply my makeup; eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

I check the time to see it's 7:50 am. I decide to grab coffee and breakfast on the way.

I grab my purse, make sure I have my wallet and papers for my job as well as keys and phone and I'm ready to go.

I open the door of my dorm and close it to find, Justin outside my door.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me!" I saw, putting a hand over my rapidly, beating heart.

"Sorry, I thought I could 'escort' you to downstairs this fine morning." He says, eyeing me up and down.

"That's quite the outfit, don't you think your giving him something to look at?" He lets out, questionably.

"Justin, Mitchell and I are friends, nothing else and I'm dressing how I want to I don't look inappropriate I'm dressed for an office." I roll my eyes.

"And I don't need an escort, I can get to my car on my own." I clarify.

"Well I'm just saying, if you were mine, I wouldn't let you out of the house in that." He almost sounds, jealous?

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