Chapter 3

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Looking up at those deep blue eyes made me remember everything. Ever since that day I have had to be careful about what I eat and how fast I run when people are watching.

"Did ya find out what you are yet?" He asked me as I picked up my books that had fallen.

"Yes, I did. Why did you do it?" I asked him.

"I was the only one of our kind since my parents died. I didn't want to be alone" he replied.

"So why me?"

"You looked like someone I could trust. Plus, your hot."

All I could do was stare. I felt a hand go onto both of my shoulders, probably my brothers.

"Tris. Who's this?" asks Zeke.

"A friend I met a few days ago. He must be new to the school."

"You know I'm right here, right?" Four questions. He has a jealous look in his eyes. It's kind of cute. Wait. Did Tris Pedrad just say cute?

"These are my brothers, Zeke and Uriah. Guys, this is Four." I introduce.

"Cool. Wanna sit with us at lunch?" asks Zeke.


"Well, I gotta go. Bye!" I yelled while walking away. I get to my locker and grab the books I need for science with Ms. Matthews. Yay. Note the sarcasm. It seems that I am one if the last ones to enter the room. I take a seat next to the girls right as the bell rings.

After five minutes of Ms. Matthews droning on about what we will learn this year, the boys from our group walk in and take the empty seats next to us. All except Will of course who, after he said hello, came straight to the classroom to save us all seats in the back.

"The Pedrads. I should of known you would be late. What is your excuse this time" Ms. Matthews pesters them.

"We were showing to new student around. Not our fault he doesn't know where anything is." Uriah tells her.

"Fine. Take a seat you three" she says.

The boys walk back to us with their heads held high. Four keeps his head down though, like he didn't want to be noticed.

"Class we have a new student. Mr. Eaton, would you like to introduce your self?" Ms. Matthews asks Four.

Four stands up, quickly says, "I'm Four.", and sits back down. Once he stood up all eyes were on him. Every girl in the room, except from our group, got a look in their eyes like he was their's already.

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Lunch had finally rolled around. I went into the lunch line and grabbed a slice of pizza, a salad, a bottle of water, and of course, the one and only dauntless cake.

I walked over to my table and sat down in my seat. Everyone else came and sat around me with Christina on my left and Four on my right.

"What happened to your hair Tris?" Chris asked me. All I did was point at my brothers and gave them a death glare. They snuggled into each other with a look of fear plastered on their faces.

"At least it matches your outfit." she says. " Do you want to go shopping after school? We can get your hair back to normal. And obviously get more clothes." she asks. Shopping. I'm starting to think she will die from shopping to much one day.

"I actually like my hair like this and I think I have enough clothes. We just went shopping literally 2 days ago." I say back.

"Fine." she pouts.

I get up and throw my trash into the garbage as the bell rings. Before leaving I turn back and yell, "My house after school!"

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The girls and I walk out of school with the boys in front of us yelling, "We're free!" Four became part of our group after hanging out with him during lunch. The only thing we found out about him is that he never talks about his past and can be very secluded.

I yell bye to everyone and get into my car. I look over and see Four and my brothers getting into the car next to me. I realize that we have the exact same car, but his is black.

I put my sun glasses on and drive away jamming out to Shake It Off by Taylor Swift.


Thank you so much for reading this story. I know it sucks but this is my first fanfic so...... yeah. Please comment and tell me if you are reading and/or are enjoying this story.


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