Chapter 30

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SOC: Find You by Zedd
(Not edited)
Tris's POV

I wake up cold. Reaching over I realize that Tobias isn't laying next to me.
"Tobias?" I call out. I get out of bed and walk down the stairs. Hopefully he's down there.
The marble flooring in the kitchen is cold on my feet. As far as I know the house is empty. Except I know that Tobias wouldn't have left me alone without some kind of note or actually telling me he was leaving. Walking towards the counter I see a clean, crisp piece of paper.

Dear Tris,
If you want your precious Tobias back then you will be at the old warehouse on 76th street at 9:00 tonight.

No one had signed the note which makes me worried. Who would want to take Tobias?

Tobias's POV

My brain feels like a million elephants are stampeding on it. I can't remember what happened last night. I'm not even sure where the hell I am right now.
I open my eyes and groan from the bright light in my eyes.
"Well well well. Look who's awake." I know that voice. I was always hoping that I wouldn't have to hear it again.
"What's taking you so long. Just open you damn eyes already." I hear another voice groan. Oh great. Not him, too.
Slowly but surely, I open my eyes to see two figures standing in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye I see another figure slouched in the corner.
"I really didn't expect to see you here Peter." My throat is all scratchy.
"What? I don't get a hello?" Marcus says, sarcasm seeping into his voice. Asshole.
"What do you want with me?" I ask. I just want to know so I can plan my escape.
"Just a little revenge." The mystery guy walks over to us, coming into the light. All of the sudden, the memory comes rushing back to me.
"Are you actually going to kill me this time and go after my mother?" I ask him. I worry not only for my mother but for Tris as well. I can't lose her.
"I will kill, but only after Marcus gets what he wants."
"Then why is Peter here?" I swear that he was in jail after what happened Tris.
"We needed extra help. He wanted revenge on Tris, thought he could get it through you." Marcus explains. "Peter, get the stuff."
Peter walks over to a table opposite the chair I am currently tied to. I can't see around so in not sure what he's doing. He turns around and drags the table closer to me. I can see a video camera hooked up to a laptop.
"We are going to call your pathetic little girlfriend." Eric says.
"Don't get her involved in this." I sneer.
"To late." He clicks a button and Tris's face pops up.
"Oh my god Tobias! Where are you? Are you okay? What did they do to you?" She yells. I wonder what they did to me to make her look so concerned.
Marcus stands in front of me now. "You can have him but we have some conditions. First, you must get us 5 million dollars. No less, more if you wants. Second, you must come yourself. No one else unless you want him dead. You know when to come, assuming you got our letter, correct?"
"Yes." She responds.
"Good. Then you will have no trouble coming tonight. Have a good evening." with that he ends the call. He turns to me and puts his hand out. Peter seems to get the gist and walks over and hands him a whip.
"I will make this less painful for you, son"
"The whipping it the beating?" I ask.
"The whipping. The beating you get to experience conscious." Smirking, he puts the whip on the floor. "This will be fun."
He unties me from the chain making sure to keep my arms and legs tied. Shoving me to the floor, he grabs my head and smashes it to the floor. My eye sight starts to get blurry and I feel blood running down the side of my head.
"Let's make sure you never remember anything, yeah?" With one last final smash the world finally goes black.

Tris's POV

We tip toes towards the warehouse, making sure to stay hidden in the shadows.
"You all have to stay here. I don't want him to get hurt anymore. I dot want any of you to get hurt either." I tell everyone. I had asked my parents and the gang to come with me just incase.
"Alright. Be careful alright?" My mom says. She kisses my forehead and tells me to go.
I slowly inch my way towards the door. Hopefully I can get to him without them being there considering I didn't bring the money. My parents thought that I would be fine. Let's hope.
I open the door and walk to find it pitch black and seemingly empty. I walk along the walls to try and find a light switch. Once I find it, the light slowly flickers on to reveal a room with a body in the middle. Around the head is a small pool of blood.
I walk over and turn the body over. The person is thankfully still breathing. The person is Tobias.
"Mom, dad!" I yell. Hopefully no one is near by to hear my screams. Yup can barely recognized him. His head is smash in on one side and is covered in blood.
"Oh my god." I hear a stretcher being rolled behind. How did an ambulance get here so quickly? The load him up and hop into the vehicle. I jump in it with them and we head the hospital. I really hope that we weren't to late.
~(time skip, 2 months)
I've been sitting in this uncomfortable hospital room chair for two months now. The doctors told us that he lost a lot of blood and had cracked his skull. They said that he had slipped into a coma and had a small percentage of waking up. Even if he did, he would have some brain damage.
I haven't left his side since they let visitors come in after his huge surgery. Luckily they let me stay in the room the whole time. All of a sudden I feel his hand twitch beneath mine. His eyes slowly flicker open. I push the button to let the doctor know.
"Where am I?" He whispers.
"Your in the hospital. I so glad your okay." I say smiling. I reach over to hug him when I feel his hands on me, pushing me back. Right then, I hear the words I never wanted nor expected to hear coming from him.
"Who are you?"
Dunn Dunn Dunn. Bet you didn't see that one coming. You probably did though. I just wanted to switch it up though since Tris always gets kidnapped and can't remember Tobias I wanted them to switch places.
Sorry for making you wait so long. I had an idea but I couldn't find a way to start off the chapter so it took me some time.
Please comment and vote. I would love it. I hope that you all got who the mystery POV was.
I have a quest for you all. I want you all to guess my middle name! Yeah, kind of boring but I thought it would be cool. Whoever guesses it gets a shoutout and a character in the story. If you win I will message you and get all the details needed. Good luck!
P.S. Did anyone hear about Sheo? It's dead. Theo proposed to his girlfriend. I keep telling my friend that they should invite me to their wedding. I mean, it's not like I'd hug him and never let him go. Phh. 😅

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