Chapter Tris

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The feeling of his lips against mine made me stand there in shock. The kiss was soft, unsure. As he pulled back I had regretted not kissing him back.

The way he looked in my eyes made me feel like he could was looking into my soul. Suddenly I felt his lips against mine again. This time the kiss was more sure. The best part, I kissed him back.

That moment made me feel like we were the only ones in the world, that we weren't standing in my bedroom with my brothers probably standing behind the door and wondering what was happening while they listened in on our conversation.

A cough brought us into reality. We pulled apart and turned out heads to see my brothers standing in the door way with smiles on their faces and cameras in hand.

"Guess what mom and dad will say?" they say sarcastically.

"Did you record that!?" I yell at them.

"Maybe." they say in unison. They run down stairs yelling, "MOM!"

"Jokes on them. My mom's not home." I tell Tobias while smirking.

"TRIS GET DOWN HERE!" I hear my mom yell.

"Shit." I say under my breath.

Tobias laughs. "Don't laugh. You're coming with me."

His eyes widen as I pull him down the stairs after me.

"Yes mother?" I ask politely. I really don't want her to get angry again.

"Care to explain who your friend is and why you were kissing him?" my mom asks.

"Um. Well I-"

"I'm Tobias Eaton ma'am. I believe you knew me when Tris and I were younger." Tobias cuts in.

"Tobias, is that really you?" my mom asks. He nods his head. My mom rushes up to him and engulfs him in a big bear hug.

"I can't believe you're really here. They told us you and your parents had died."

"My parents died. I, obviously, didn't."

"Well, I'm glad at least you are here." she says.

"We're going back upstairs." I tell my mom while pulling Tobias up the stairs.

"Don't do anything!" she yells up to us.

I shut my door. "Sorry about her." I apologize.

"It's fine." he chuckles.

"Now where were we?" I ask smiling.

Not even a second later he crashes his lips onto mine. We end up spending the whole day making out on my bed. He tried to go farther but I wouldn't let him. I didn't want to go to fast. Thankfully though we got through the whole day without anymore interruptions.


Sorry for making you all wait so long. I wrote part of it and couldn't decide where to go from there. Sorry if it's boring. Also I probably won't describe when they are making out or kissing considering I'm only 13 and I have never had my first kiss before. So, yeah. I'll shut up. Please comment though, it would me a lot to me. Ok. I'm done.


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