Motherly Love (Morisuke Yaku X Reader)

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You can do this. You tell yourself. You stare ahead at the door and knock.

"I'll get it," you hear Morisuke yell. He opens the doors and greets you with a large hug. "Are you ready?" You nod nervously and carefully walk to the dining where you see Morisuke's dad come over to greet you.

"Awww, what a cute couple. Honey, look!" His mom looked at you sternly, sending chills up your spine.

You all sit down for dinner as Mrs. Yaku serves a delicious meal. You all sit in silence until Mrs. Yaku decides to initiate a conversation. Well, it felt more like a game show lightning round but who's to say.

"Where'd you two meet?" "School," you and Morisuke both answer. "First date?" "Dinner at
(Fancy Restaurant)." She asks many more questions before narrowing her eyes at you.

"(Y/N), why exactly did you accept Morisuke's confession?" You gulped. One wrong word and Mori's gone forever.

"I-I like to think it's because he's the only one who doesn't point out how short I am or how loud I am. He's always so nice and he even plays volleyball like my brother. I've actually liked him since he sat beside me in class on my first day." You go on and on until Morisuke signals you to stop.

"Well," she scoffs, "I guess that's acceptable."

"Mom, stop being so harsh on (Y/N). She just wanted to get to know you and now she's terrified," Morisuke says. "Young man I'm not done yet." Mr. Yaku shudders, also afraid of his wife and her probable wrath. She walks closer to you before bringing out a measuring tape, a piece of paper and a few pencils.

"Now stand over there and don't move," she orders, pointing to an empty room. You both step inside and she locks the door.

Oh no I'm doomed. Morisuke I love you please don't forget me.

"Let's get started, shall we?" She basically measures every inch of your body and writes them down on a piece of paper.

After writing down and doing who knows what on that pad, she runs out the room with a smile on her face.

"She passes Morisuke! More importantly, I've designed her a dress." You and Morisuke look at each other in confusion.

"May I ask what the dress is for?" Morisuke and his dad try to snap Mrs. Yaku out of her trance-like state.

"Honey, I can see it now. White and red everywhere with flowers all around!" "Mom," Morisuke calls.

"Oh sweetie I've loved (Y/N) the moment I saw her. Just making sure is all. Now, do you think (Y/N) looks better in (f/c) or (2nd f/c)?" "Um, (f/c)," Morisuke answers. "Mrs. Yaku—," "Dear child please just call me Hiromi. Now, I think this design will look great on your figure and I think with a little more time Morisuke will also have a matching tux." She shows you a drawing of an elegant dress with a tuxedo design next to it. "Morisuke, when's your prom again? I really hope I make these in time."

She's preparing already? It's 5 months away! You and Morisuke both think. "5 months from now," Morisuke answers. "Now, I expect you two to stay together because you both are adorable. By the way, I got 500 Days of Summer rented out just for you two. You both can go watch before (Y/N) needs to go home."

So maybe meeting Morisuke's parents wasn't so bad at all.


A few years later.......

"Y'know, I'm really glad I met your mom, Mori. She makes wonderful designs," you say, looking at your old prom photos, mostly of you, Mori and the great outfits Hiromi designed.

"Well then, you won't mind her designing your wedding gown," Mori jokes, flipping through the pages with you. You immediately did a double take. Is he? Did he just?

"Well maybe before I ask you that I should ask you to marry me," he says, taking out a beautiful silver ring. You don't even give him the chance to ask before you hug him while crying. "Yes yes yes and a thousand, no, million more yeses." "Yes," he shouts. He slides the ring onto your finger before pulling you into a kiss.

Suddenly, your mom bursts into the door. "Take that, Hiromi! Told you it was silver." Hiromi runs in, shocked. "Damn it! Well then you win this time. I still bet on the wedding venue." "We'll see who wins that," your mom smugly states. The two moms make more bets and continue their banter until you are fed up with the interruption.

"Do you mind? Kinda just got engaged, mom," you say, glaring a little bit. They both quietly walk out, heads hung in shame. Your brother, Yuu, (hehehehehe sorry not sorry Nishinoya is bae) comes in, seeing both mothers looking off.

"You told her off, didn't you? I'll take care of them but I better be best man," Yuu declares. "Yeah, yeah, bro, whatever you say," you laugh, seeing him run outside like a happy 5 year old.

"I can now see them making bets on our future kids or maybe our first pet goldfish," Morisuke says, getting creeped out by the thought.

"Let's make sure that doesn't happen," you say.


This was fun to write....

Yeah that's all I have to say.

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