Stargazing (Tooru Oikawa X Reader)

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"Don't the stars look lovely tonight, (Y/N)." He looks over to you to see you ignoring him on your phone again. He rolls his eyes and grabs your phone.

"Tooru! I'm trying to watch some Brendon Urie right now," you pout. "Uh uh uh, you're getting off your phone and spending time with me right now," he says, placing your phone on the desk and dragging you to his balcony.

"Do you want pasta or your favorite salad with extra dressing," he asks. You ask for pasta and he goes downstairs to get it. Meanwhile, you take the time to look around the huge open space and spot a telescope.

When Oikawa returns, he sees a blanket, his telescope and his girlfriend out on the balcony waiting for him. "Hey, that's the telescope I got when I was 8." "You mean the one Iwaizumi got you?" He nods excitedly and sits down next to you.

You both take turns looking at constellations in the sky, trying to see what figures you find. "Correct me if I'm wrong but is that a shooting star," you ask, pointing to a bright moving object. "It could be," he replies, "or maybe it's an alien ship finally coming to take me with them after years and years of trying to reach them. Maybe—,"

You block out Oikawa's rant and continue to look through the telescope.

Time skip to after Oikawa's rant

"Tooru, can you please discuss the aliens with someone like Iwaizumi or something? I thought we were going to stargaze," you say, waving your hand at him. He snaps out of it and his eyes meet yours.

"Really sorry about that, he apologizes sheepishly. You roll your eyes at him and snuggle into his chest. "Awwww, the clouds are here," you whine, seeing the stars get covered up. "Now can we talk about al—," "Don't try your luck, Tooru." He pouts and walks back inside. You follow him inside and lie down.

"Why're you so grumpy tonight? We'll talk about aliens if it makes you feel any better." Tooru laughs a bit and lies down next to you.

"No, it's fine. Besides, we should probably go to sleep seeing how late it is," he says, checking his clock. You nod and wrap yourself up in a blanket.

"G'night, Tooru." He kisses your forehead and hugs you tight. "Sweet dreams, (Y/N)."


"(Y/N)! Stop stealing my blanket. I'm already hugging you," he whines, trying to unwrap you. "But it's cold," you protest. He groans and gets the blanket from you but this time wrapoing it around both of you.

"Now are we happy?" You smile from ear-to-ear at the feeling of warmth and go back to sleep.

2 hours later


"Stupid clock," Oikawa yells, trying to turn the alarm off. You smile evilly as you hide your noisy phone in your pocket.

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