Tea Time (Hikaru Hitachiin X Reader)

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Ok so all these names are random and this is just for funsies

"No way, I can't believe Mai did that!" Hikaru sips his tea before asking you to continue on.

"Anyone in particular that you need tea on," you ask, munching on a biscuit. Hikaru thinks for a moment before saying a name.

"Got anything on Akio," Hikaru smiles mischievously. You sit back to ty to see what to tell. "He's my cousin so I guess there's quite a lot of tea to spill. After all, things have happened during these last few days."

Hikaru leans in closer to your face, making you blush but you keep it down. "U-umm Hikaru c-could you—," "Sorry (Y/N). Anyways, do go on."

You proceed to tell him about how Akio got a failing grade on his test because he forgot to read the directions and how he mistook salt for sugar when he made himself some scones yesterday.

Much much tea later

"— and that's how Mindy got her hair stuck." You continue to ramble on while Hikaru finds himself staring at you. The way your hair moves around when you talk or how you're hyper after about an hour of spilling tea and making more tea.

"— earth to Hikaru Hitachiin," you call. He snaps himself out of his daze before refocusing on you. "Sorry, I think we're both getting tired," he says. "What makes you think that? I'm fine," you lie, wanting to talk with Hikaru more.

"I can see it. You're talking less and less with your hands and your eyes don't sparkle as much." You tilt your head in confusion. He gives you the 'really?' look so you give up and tell him the truth. "Fine, you got me. I'm kinda tired."

He laughs at your grumbling reply, also wanting to talk with you more. Suddenly, he gets an idea.

"Hey, (Y/N), wait up!" You turn around to see Hikaru right in front of you. "AH!"

"Sorry about that. Anyways, I was wondering if you'd want to meet up like this again. You know, spill tea and such," he nervously asks.

"Mmmmm, sure thing! Besides, I haven't even covered half my class yet and that's just the beginning." You both laugh before making plans to meet up and heading off to go your separate ways.

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