All About You (Shoto Todoroki X Wife Reader)

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Marj425 this one's for you hehehehehe

I got y'all married. Why? Because my generator thingy gave me wedding anniversary as a prompt.

Also, no quirks here

Shoto feels worse than usual. It's pretty obvious to Izuku as he rants on and on, nearly burning his bed. "Stupid brain! You forgot about your own damn anniversary. What kind of husband doesn't surprise their wife with basically everything she's ever wanted," he exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.

You sit in your hotel room sulking. Your flight was canceled so now you have to wait to book the next flight to Japan at your hotel. You hope and pray you can make it back before your anniversary. Uraraka , who was assigned on this trip too, is trying to calm your nerves.

"Ok, so, you think she'll like the blue ones or the (f/c)? No wait, stupid question. I'll take the (f/c) ones," Shoto says, paying the clerk. "Y'know, I personally think this is a bit much but you do you," Izuku jokes, helping Shoto load the things into the car.

Back at the house, a car rolls up and out steps.......Kise Ryota. (Crossover! Crossover! Crossover! Hehehehehehe)

"Whoa, you've really outdone yourself, Todoro-cchi. My sister's only a few hours away. Her flight got canceled so she'll be here just in time for your anniversary tomorrow," Kise informs.

Kuroko, Aomine, Midorima and Murasakibara all come in carrying decorations and gifts. Shoto looks shocked at the amount of boxes in his room. "Guys, I've got more things than I can organize in time. Anyone available please come over now," he says on the phone, sending a voice message to all his former 1-A classmates who he is still close with.

An hour later, Iida, Yaoyozoru and his other classmates come running in, even Bakugo! "Thank you all for coming. Hopefully we can get this done by nightfall," Shoto announces, already decorating the living room.

"Hallelujah Uraraka! We're getting home on the day of the anniversary. The flight's at 2 am tomorrow. Couple that with the 3 hours of flight, we'll still get there in the morning," you cheer, running around the room.

"(Y/N), what on earth did you get Todoroki? He's pretty much got everything, including you," Uraraka says, making you tense up.

"Oh no, what if his gift makes mine look like garbage? What if he doesn't like it? Uraraka why didn't you tell me tha—," Uraraka puts her hand over your mouth.

"Sorry for worrying you like that, (Y/N). I'm sure he'll love your gift. If he doesn't," Uraraka pauses, a murderous aura surrounding her, "I'll beat him to a pulp."

You laugh at her reaction, reassuring her she won't need to kill anyone.

You look at the clock, still 6 in the evening. You and Uraraka decide to sleep since you both need to be at the airport by 1 am at most.

"Today's the day, Shoto, you can do this," he tells himself, adjusting his collar and vest. He gets into the car and drives to the airport, flowers and chocolates at the ready.

You see your car pull up and run to it, giving Shoto a hug and a kiss. He hands you the chocolate and flowers.

He helps you load your luggage then you both set off home.

"Shoto," you cry, tears of joy running down your face as you step in your house. Your favorite cake (or whatever dessert) is laid out on the table and there are decorations everywhere.

You pull your dear husband into a kiss until you need air again. Then, something crosses your mind.

Give him the gift, you silly goose!

You dig into your bag to find the gift. "Shoto," you call. He comes into the room, holding one of your favorite dresses.

"Here, you'll need it for our date later this evening." He hands you the dress. You feel the soft material and stare in awe at the design.

You then hand him a picture frame with a picture of you and him on your wedding day. He tears up a bit before hugging you tightly.

His wide smile just made him 100000% hotter to you and now he leaves the room with you wondering,

How on earth did I manage to get this perfect man to spend the rest of his life with me? I don't flipping know but I love it.

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