Relaxation (Ludwig Beilschmidt (Germany) X Reader)

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Wait, did I spell his last name right?


(f/f)- Fave food

"Today looks like a good day for training, doesn't it, Blitz (is that it's name or am I insane)," Ludwig says, petting his dog before starting to jog. He breathes in the fresh air and continues on.

You on the other hand, are working on a new show with the rest of your crew. "Miss (Y/N), this costume looks incomplete. I think I'm missing something." You nod before going over to fix the problem. You examine the dress but notice that one of the bows is lose and has no sequin in the center. You point it out before the worker gets started on fixing it. Being a costume designer is hard enough, being the head costume designer is even more pressure.

A few hours later......

You finish up and start to head home. You finally manage to fish the right key out of your pocket to open the door.

You're greeted by a sweet scent coming from the kitchen. You follow it to see Ludwig baking a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies (I'm sorry if you don't like cookies).

"Welcome home, liebe (love). You arrived just in time for the cookies. There's some dinner on the table if you want some (f/f). I al—," He gets cut off by you giving him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. He turns red as you run off, yelling 'danke' (thank you) along the way.

You start digging in as Ludwig's dog, Blitz, comes running in to greet you. "Good boy, Blitz, coming to greet me. What a gentlemanly thing to do. Guess you've rubbed off of your owner," you laugh, winking at Ludwig who might faint any moment if you get cuter.

You finish washing up and settle in to watch some anime. Ludwig comes in then sees your anime watching setup. He decides to leave you be and heads out the door.

You watch him leave, probably going to stay up all night doing more work. You think poor thing, he seriously needs a break . You pause the latest episode of One Piece and head to Ludwig's office.

"Come in." You step inside to see Ludwig planning out his next workout and the next world meeting. You sigh before trying to get his attention.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted your marathon," Ludwig says, absentmindedly returning to his chart.

"You don't have to apologize, Ludwig. I just came here so I can get you out of this office and into the living room," you clarify, attempting to drag your boyfriend out the door.

"But my work—," "Ludwig," you begin, still trying to get him out, "dear, you need a break. You're working yourself to death and even taking care of the mess known as your girlfriend. So please, take some time to relax."

He sighs and gives in, but not before grabbing his laptop to work. You both cuddle on the couch, watching more One Piece.

"See relaxation isn't so bad," you giggle, seeing Ludwig enjoying himself. He pulls you in closer and kisses your head. "I'm glad you're always there to take care of my break time."

"Pleasure is all mine."


"What did you do this week, brother," Gilbert (Prussia) asks. "Spent some time with (Y/N)."

Gilbert grins, confusing both Ludwig and Roderich (Austria). "Finally, she did something about your workaholic self." He looks behind him to see Ludwig on his phone calling (Y/N).

"Ah, youth," he smiles, watching his brother let go of some of his seriousness. Roderich is still confused by Gilbert but keeps driving to the bar.

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