Café Date (Ken Kaneki X Reader)

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Shoutout to yanavg for this great idea.

(F/d)- fave drink
(F/N)- Friend's name
(F/N2)- Another friend's name

You couldn't believe it. There is a damn stranger in YOUR seat. Usually one of your human friends would save you a seat but they're out of town. To top it all off, you got an injury after a fight last Friday so your Sunday is off to a rough start the moment you wake up to scream in pain.

You see go grab your drink and make a beeline for the other chair on that table. You politely ask the stranger if you could sit with him and he thankfully agrees. Now that you've got a better view, you have to admit, he is quite cute. A bit reserved from the looks of it but still, cute. Maybe that could make up for him stealing your seat. Maybe.

You start sipping your (f/d) until you decide to spark a conversation. "So, got a name?" "Ken Kaneki, or just Kaneki. I'm guessing you were the girl from last Friday. Unless of course, that was your doppelgänger or something."

If you weren't in a public place you would spit your drink over the poor guy. "Wait, you're the ghoul who....saved me," you whisper. He nods before you smile at the thought.

"I thought I'd live my whole life not being able to thank you. Well then, fate does have a weird way of working things out doesn't it. Oh! Almost forgot, you can call me (Y/N)," you exclaim, extending your hand towards him.

"So, you think you can teach me all those cool moves you did? I don't think sitting still is a good way to not die," you ask. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to teach you a thing or two. Meet back here? Then we could go to your house, or mine," he answers.

You nod in agreement before exchanging numbers and going your own ways.

You meet up the next week to start. He teaches you the basics which is when you realize.

Holy sh*t. I am a punching bag compared to him.

You walk up to him, readying yourself to spar. 2 minutes later, you're on the floor exhausted. Kaneki helps you up and gets you something to eat.

3 months later

"Hell yeah! I beat you, Ken," you cheer, high-fiving him, after helping him stand of course. "Indeed you did. Guess you don't need my help anymore," he murmurs the last part, wanting to spend more time with you. You've both grown very close to one another but his job is done. You hug him saying thank you over and over, turning him a bit pink.

"You really don't have to thank me." You look out the window to see the sun starting to set. "I better get going. Thanks for the lessons. See you around."

You start walking away, feeling a bit sad you won't get to see him as often as you are used to. "Wait," Kaneki calls. "Even though you don't really need my help, I still would like to ask if you'd want to go get some coffee," he asks, turning red.

"Is this....are know what, sure, I'd love to go on a coffee date yeah ok wow," you ramble, not knowing how exactly to respond.

Kaneki just watches you ramble out the door, smiling to himself.


"I can't believe (Y/N) let some guy take her seat! Now she's using my spot. I knew I shouldn't have gone on that tour," (F/N) whines.

"Relax, I think she's on a date," (F/N2) calmly says, seeing you and Kaneki at ease with one another.

(F/N)'s eyes light up at the word date. "Well then," she snickers, "let's leave them be. Can't wait for (Y/N) to spill the tea." (She/He) smiles mischievously, planning all the ways to embarrass you when you come visit.

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