Snowboarding Adventures (Denki Kaminari X Childhood BFF Reader)

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Reader-Chan is basically a weather controlling human

F/s - Fave subject

"Race you down the hill, (Y/N)," he shouts. You laugh and chase after your friend. "Denki hang on." You concentrate for a bit and feel the air around you start to cool. You open your eyes to see snow start to fall down.

"My, (Y/N) is very talented, isn't she?" "I like to think it's all the practice she's been doing. Denki looks like he likes her quirk a lot," your mother says, watching the two of you play in the fresh snow.

"We can snowboard now," you cheer. You both grab your tiny snowboards and slide down the small hill you made using the wind and snow.

Time Skip: 10 years later

"(Y/N), on your left," Uraraka shouts. You fend off Jirou and Sato. You and Uraraka run to the finish line and are declared the winners of the exercise.

"Well done, (Y/N) and Uraraka," Aizawa states, not even looking up from his clipboard. You both high five and head back to check on Sato and Jirou. Once there, you see Kaminari and Momo there already.

"You ok, Jirou," Kaminari asks, pulling her up. You rush over once you see a wound on her now exposed arm.

"I am so so sorry about that I really didn't mean to and I might've—," Jirou laughs at your rambling, assuring you she's fine. Uraraka and Momo help her get to the finish and to the clinic.

"I gotta say, you both did well," he compliments, turning you a tinge pink. "Thanks, Kaminari." "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Denki?" "Sorry," you apologize, a hand on your neck.

"Hey, since you're my friend, I need some help with (f/s). I asked Jirou for help earlier and she didn't know a thing either. The sound of Jirou's name made you slightly jealous. After all, he did tell you about his crush on her from the start of the year.

"By the way, what's with that weather?" You look up to see the sun getting hotter and hotter, even if the weather was supposed to be getting chilly.

Shoot! (Y/N) now is not the time to be jealous. Thank goodness I never told him emotions could affect my quirk too.

"Maybe I can fix it," you say. You concentrate for a bit and the sun's heat becomes less scorching and more like a gentle warmth. You then make the air around you guys slightly cooler.

"Thanks, (Y/N). Don't know what we'd do without you," he says, flashing an adorable smile. You turn red which he unfortunately notices.

"Oh no! Drastic weather changes over a large area make you weak. I'm so stupid for forgetting," he cries, rushing over to you to make sure you're alright. His closeness turns you even more red, causing him to panic.

"Guys! I accidentally broke (Y/N) help!" Some of the students rush over to see your blushing face. At this point you want to crawl into a hole and suffer your embarrassment.

"Good going, nutjob," Jirou scolds, checking up on you. "(Y/N), your heart's beating faster than usual. What did Kaminari do?"

"I may have changed the weather from scorching hot to the way it was before." "You brought down the temperature by 15 degrees (Celsius)," Iida exclaims.

"You're going straight to bed," Kaminari says. He picks you up bridal style and carries you all the way to your dorm.

"Sorry for making you do all that," he apologizes, placing you down. "I think I liked it better when you wanted to snowboard so I only had to do your backyard," you laugh, picking up a photo of you two when you were little.

"Speaking of snowboarding, I'm planning to go snowboarding out of town this weekend. Wanna come with?" You think for a moment but then remember that Jirou might be there seeing as he likes her and you didn't want to melt all the snow on the mountain.

"No thanks, wouldn't want to ruin it for you. This is the chance to ask Jirou."

Wait, why are you doing this again? The devil on your shoulder says.

Because when you truly love someone, you let them go." The angel lectures.

Nahhh! I say go get 'em girl.

Just accept that he's just your best friend and be grateful.

"—(Y/N)," Kaminari yells. You snap yourself out of it and come back to your senses. "Were you even listening?" You guiltily shake your head.

"I was trying to tell you I got rejected. Remember your plan? It was going to work but apparently she likes someone else," he sighs.

"Awwww, it's alright. Bring it in, bud," you say, hugging Kaminari. He hugs you back before returning to the conversation.

"Bakugo and Kirishima already have plans. So do Mina and the rest of the class. Damn, having your special someone must feel great."

You nod your head in understanding. "Even Min—," "Don't bring him up. Last you and I ever saw of him Kirishima dumped him in a dumpster for nearly laying his perverted fingers on his girlfriend. (See my oneshot for Kiri)

"Right. I guess we're the only ones without anything planned. If that's the case, I guess I can come with you." He jumps up and pumps his fist in the air.

"Operation Date Night is a go guys," he yells into his headphones. "Denki," you question, raising your eyebrows at him.

"Shit. I said that out loud didn't I?" You nod. "Well then you're going on a date with me hurray!"

"Just like old times," you cheer. "Oh," Kaminari says, looking a bit disappointed. "What's wrong with that? Surely their snow isn't as good as mine but still."

"No, it's just....I was thinking less of a playdate like old times and more of a, you know, date date." Your eyes light up and you tackle Kaminari in a hug. "Hell yeah!"

"Guys I've scored one for real!" "We heard you," voices shout from outside.

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