Marathon (Kiku Honda (Japan) X Otaku Reader ft. Levi

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This one shall be short but sweet.

F/A- Fave anime

"Hurry up, Kiku! We're all set," you shout, running around the room. He walks in carrying a first aid kit, water and a bag of other things.

"Here, I know you like to eat these before one of your 'events'," he laughs, handing you an apple and some granola bars.

You stretch yourself out before motioning to the couch. "Ok, our annual anime marathon shall commence in 5 minutes. Let's get the popcorn—," "I'll get your tissues," Kiku says, putting his things down.

"You don't mind that I picked out our anime this year, right (Y/N)," he asks. "It's fine! Besides, I think we should always find ways to spice them up since we have these every year."

You both sit down as the opening theme for (f/a) begins to play. "Awwww," you say, pecking Kiku on the cheek. "Glad you remember it's my favorite." He blushes slightly, mumbling 'your welcome' before refocusing on your TV.

A few hours later.....

"Why, Kiku, why? We're out of.....tissues," you cry, hearing the ending theme for the tragic film.

"It's alright. Why don't we just move on to the next anime. I promise it'll be happier." You nod in agreement while you wait for Lucky Star to play.

You snuggle into Kiku while you watch, unknowingly drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

The next morning........

"Kiku? Since when did you get up," you yawn, seeing him setting out a bowl of cereal for you. You eat up quickly and put the dishes away.

"I have a feeling you lasted much longer than I did," he says, helping you to not fall over as you stumble your way up the stairs.

In the end, Kiku carries you bridal style into his bedroom and sets you down. He brings you a blanket and some warm milk.

"(Y/N), please drink this milk." You shrug your shoulders and drink the milk. You lie back down while Kiku pulls a blanket over you.

" need to take care of me....I'—" you drift off to sleep, beginning to snore lightly. Kiku leaves the room and closes the door.

Now, the real work begins, cleaning up after your marathon. He rolls up his sleeves and gets to work.

"Cleaning? May I be of assistance," a voice says. Kiku turns to the TV and sees Levi standing there, supplies in hand.

Kiku nods and the 2 of them get to work, trying not to disturb you.

Bonus Bonus

Omfg is that Levi? Omfg he's so hot take meeeeeeeeeee. You think before passing out on the stairs. Good thing you took some pics first.

"She does that a lot," Kiku remarks as he and Levi go back to cleaning up.

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