Music To My Ears (Lev Haiba X Reader)

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You finally made it to your boyfriend's house for your weekly sleepover. You dropped your bags to go look for Lev.

You went to knock on his door when you heard singing and, was that a piano?

You quietly opened the door to see Lev, singing and playing the piano. He seemed quite in his element and you had to admit, he sounded amazing, much better than you could ever manage.

You crept up on him and hugged him from behind. "Hey Lev," you greet, giving him a few kisses. He stops playing to give you a loving (albeit tight) hug. "(Y/N)! I'm so glad you're here." You laugh at his childish personality, total contrast to his piano playing self.

You looked around his room to see a beatbox, his piano, a guitar and a few speakers around his room. In all honesty you were a quite surprised to see it along with his volleyball things.

"Lev, I never knew you played musical instruments." He looked away, turning pinker by the second. "Well, it's something I mostly do alone when I don't have practice. Besides, I didn't know whether or not you'd like it." You start laughing so hard you clutch your stomach.

"(Y/N), are you alright? Should I get a doctor," he asks, slowly inching away. "Sorry," you say, regaining composure, "I think you have a wonderful voice and from the looks of it you play at least 2 instruments," you gesture to the piano and guitar in Lev's cramped room. "Your instruments take up more space than your bed and closet combined!"

"Really? Seems a bit much unless you include everything else that isn't my bed and closet," he chuckles. You continue to munch on the chips you brought as you keep your eyes on Lev's piano.

"Do you maybe wanna sing?" Oh no. He's being too adorable for this world ugh. So there you are, staring in awe as Lev, the clumsy, hyperactive volleyball playing dork who you call your boyfriend, yes that Lev, begins to play again.

"Lev, do you maybe wanna eat first? I'm feeling kinda hungry," you suggest, hearing your poor stomach growl. He stops playing and leads you down to the kitchen where you both work together to make some salad.

While eating.....

"Where on earth do you get such nice grapes, (Y/N)? They're good," he says, going to grab his 3rd serving. "Umm, the supermarket? Isn't that where most people get their grapes," you reply, putting your dish back on the rack (after you washed it).

"So Lev, is it game night or movie night?" He doesn't reply so you go back to the kitchen only to find his newly washed plate on the rack and the table clean. Suddenly, his long arms wrap around you in a hug.

"It's game night tonight I believe. Time to play some (fave video game)!" He grabs your wrist and runs upstairs with you desperately trying to catch up. You set up the game in Lev's room and start playing (I suggest you pick a handheld device game)

Time Skip

A little after playing, you get dressed for sleep.
You see Lev come out also dressed for bed. You're about to get on the bed when you see Lev, still hyper as ever, looking very bored.

You lie down next to him, not feeling sleepy either. You turn to him and see him eyeing his guitar. An idea pops into your head.

"Lev, could you sing to me," you request. Lev happily nods before getting up to grab his guitar and tune it.

You settle in next to him as he starts playing a lullaby. You start singing along with him before you fall asleep on his shoulder. He puts his guitar down and rests your head on a pillow before falling asleep next to you.

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