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Jennie POV
“I heard that have a new neighbour?”I ask mom while eat breakfast. “That true at 401”Mom said.Then,suddenly Taehyung oppa come.

“Mom,why you just give me this for my pocket money?”He ask.“Why I should give you more,you will buy alcohol and cigarette ”Mom said.

“Yah!Oppa!Why you still do that?”I ask him angrily.“Uhmm..Jennie,I not do that”He nervously smile.“If you still love your beloved sport car,stop doing it”I said.“Sure,I plan to back early today”He said.

“Okay,I see.But I need to go now”I said and left.

“Hi,Rosie!!”I running to her.“Hi,jendeukie”she hug back.Then,someone clear his throat,we turn around and saw Jimin.

“Hey Jimin!”I greet him excitedly and he look at me like a stranger.

Then I realized that he have 'special' greet.

“Hi,Jimin a.k.a Rose future husband a.k.a your lovely girlfriend ”I said while make a disgust look.“Yo!Jenjen”He greet me.

The bell ringing signalling us to get into the prison (class)

-After School-
I was walking beside the basketball court.Then,suddenly a ball hit my head  and I fell down

“ head”I said and get up.“Don't you have eyes to see?Don't you see the ball?”A boy shout me and make me shout back.
“You too have eyes right? If don't know how to play,don't play,wasting your time only ”I said.

“Whatever,shorty”He make a disgust look.“Coconut head,go die soon ”I left him.

Jungkook POV
I really want to kill that,she so annoying,how can her family take care of her?

“Jungkook!!!!”Someone calling me and when I turn to look I saw Jimin.

“Jimin,long time no see”I hug him tight,I really miss him.(not gay)
“So,you live here now?”He ask.“Yes,feel better when back to korea”I smile.

“Umm,do you perhaps know the girl earlier?”Jimin sudden question.“I never see her before,why?”I ask.

“I know you are bad boy but don't show that attitude in front of her,she is Kim Jennie, savage girl.My girlfriend friend”Jimin said and I can only smile.

“Don't ever smoke in front of her,cause she have a black past”He added.“Black past?What kind of black past?”I ask.

“Her father died because of cancer,she being beaten up by his father because her father love to smoke and drink alcohol,she almost being raped by her own dad”Jimin said.“That was tragic for her,I'm sorry”I said

“Can I try to smoke front of her?”I said and I saw her with rose(Jungkook know Rose because she is Jimin girlfriend)
I start to smoke.

She come to me with a angry face and slap me twice.I really didn't expect that.

“Yah!Don't slap me!”I said.“You really blind did you? See?That sign said that don't smoke which is mean no smoke,asshole!”She shout.“What did you call me?”I said.“Coconut head,why you like it?”She said.

“Ughhhh..come on.Rose let's go to buys some ice cream”She grab Rose hand and went away.

“I told you so”Jimin said.“That was fun”I said.“You really wish to died did you?”Jimin said.

I'm A Bad Boy • JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now