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“So,guys. Are you ready?”Rose excitedly said.“I don't want to go”Jennie said.“Why?It fun”Taehyung said.“I just not in a mood,you just go have fun”She said.

“I will stay here with you,grandma can't protect you if anything happen”Taehyung said.“So,just three of us?”Jungkook groaned.“Oppa,you go.I know you love taking picture”Jennie push V a little.

Taehyung POV
“Jennie-ahh,Are you sure you okay?”Taehyung whisper to her.“I'm fine,just go.I will be fine”She said.
“Okay,take care”I ruffled her hair.

“Bye Jennie/Jenjen/Noona”They said.“Yah!Coconut head!”Jennie give a death glare

I hope someday they will become a sweet couple.


No one POV
Jimin and Rose is very slow because Jimin take a lot of Rose picture, sometime Rose want to leave him but she can't.

While Jungkook and Taehyung is already leave them.

“Hyung,may I ask something”Jungkook look at him.“If it too personal,I won't answer”Taehyung said.“Did Jennie have ex-boyfriend”Jungkook said.

Taehyung can really see a pain on Jungkook eyes, his eyes show that he really really want to protect Jennie.

“Yes,she have and that it,don't ask why”Taehyung said.“Because it too personal? ”Jungkook said and he nod.
“Who is her ex?”Jungkook ask again.

“What the hell are Jennie tell you last night?How did you know that she have ex?”Taehyung get annoyed.“Well,I take her to room and I thought she fell asleep but not,and she ask me what is love?So I tell her based on my knowledge and she said that she afraid that she will be a one sided love and get hurt”Jungkook said.

“I don't know much but her ex is now at New Zealand,they break up because he know that Jennie is Korean and he said that Korean people is a bad people and I actually don't understand,also he just use Jennie for attention”Taehyung shrugged his shoulder.Jungkook nod and smile.

Jennie POV
“Grandma,Can you give me a pain killer?Anything? ”I said while hold my head.“Headache again?”Grandma ask while give me the medicine.

I eat it.That damn medicine really taste bad,fuck me!

“Jennie,you should go and rest.Don't make your brother worry”Grandma pat my shoulder.“Okay,I will”I head to my room.

No one  POV
“Omg,this view is wonderful!”Rose excitedly shout.“Yeah,it so nice”Jungkook also amazed by the view.

Taehyung taking picture of that beautiful scenery and send it to Jennie.

Annoying sis😤

(Picture)/I can't download it,sorry:)/
Beautiful right?

Wah!!It so beautiful, omg!!

He he,are you feeling better?

Yea,grandma off to meet her friend and I alone at home ;)

You take any medicine?

Yea,pain killer that all

Don't worry sis,we will be back as fast as we can.

Okay then!

“Who is you texting?”Jimin approach him.“It just my sis,why?”Taehyung look at him.“I think we should go home now,I'm hungry”Jimin pouted.


“Jennie!We home!”Rose shout.“I'm at the kitchen”Jennie shout.Jimin who is hungry,immediately went to kitchen.

Jimin POV
I immediately run to her and see what she cook.

“What you cook?”I ask.“Tteokbokki and Ramen,why?”She said.“It for all of us,right?”I raised my eyebrows. She nodded.

“Jagi,jagi.Jennie cook Tteokbokki and ramen!”I drag her to sit.

No one POV
Jungkook and Taehyung also follow them to sit.After that,we start to eat it.

“Aren't you sick?”Jungkook ask.“Yeah,but I'm hungry”Jennie pouted.Jungkook blushing and look away,avoid an eye contact.

“Awww,Jungkook is blushing ”Taehyung tease him.“Aniyo”He denied.“Jungkook,just said it if you like Jennie”Rose said.

Jennie and Jungkook almost choked their food,quickly drink water.

“WHAT?NO!”Both of them said. “Hey,relax.I'm just saying it”Rpse shrugged her shoulder.

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