Might be my last

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2 months later..

Jennie have admit her fault and she being label as a jerk at her school but she didn't care about it since she gone away.All the hurt that she get is really tiring her.

Jennie POV
I was at my room alone,V and mom probably sleep already. I waiting for them to sleep and I cry,I really cry harder.

I just admit my fault for Jungkook,being label as Jerk because of her girlfriend, get suffer because of him too,but why I still love him?

I wrote a letter for him,wish that he could read after I die.

Suddenly I feel heavy on my head,it hurt I scream.


Taehyung heard the scream,he quickly went to Jennie room. “Oppa!It hurt,my head”Jennie said. “Let's go to the car first, I wake mom up ”Tae said as he carry Jennie in a bridal style.

After that,he wake her mother and quickly take her to the car,drove to the hospital.

Taehyung POV

She must be safe.I didn't expect to lose her this earlier,she must be safe

The door sound cracking,I look at the doctor.

“She are okay?”I ask.“Her condition was weak,we can't do the operation, if you forced us,she might die ”The doctor said while pat my shoulder.

Mom was kneeling down crying,while me just sit down.After a while,we went inside,while waiting for Jennie wake up,mom already sleep.

Suddenly, all of our memory cross in mind.

'Oppa!If there is anyone hurt you,I will make sure that the girls suffer'

'Silly!She might stronger than you'

'Even she stronger than me,but it doesn't mean I can't fight with her,I will protect you'

I cried,oh man..how I miss that time.

I decided to call Eunwoo.

Phone call

Eunwoo:what up!Bro!

V:Hey,you free tomorrow?

Eunwoo:Yeah,I'm free

V:Come to the hospital,Jennie conditions is not good,inform her friend too.

Eunwoo:Gosh!I will inform them,keep strong bro

V:Thank you,bro.

I ended call,and sleep at the couch.

'Tiring day'

Eunwoo POV
I get mad because of Jungkook, if he didn't exist at Jennie life then,Jennie will never get hurt.

Ruin people life

You better apologize to Jennie,because of you she labeled as a Jerk at school!You so stupid,do you think that Tzuyu will help you?

I'm sorry,who the hell are you?

You don't have to know me,You just know to ruin people life!JEON JUNGKOOK.

I stop the chatting and block him.

Jungkook POV
I get text from random people,saying that Jennie suffer because of me?

Gosh,I need a fresh air.I take my hoodie and went to the park,it was late night so I'm alone

Then,I sudden miss to tease Jennie.


'I'm not noona,we not even that close'

'What is love?'

'Because I have feeling on you,Jennie'

I sigh,I have feeling toward her but hide it pretty long time,I do this because of my parents.

If they didn't agree with Tzuyu family,then I will date her right now.

But I must act like my family and Tzuyu family didn't have any agreement so that Tzuyu will believe me...

I look up at the sky and start to think that everything will be fine.

I was cleaning Jennie room,and packing her things and clothes.

Then,I saw a letter with some doodles on it and it for Jungkook. I don't want to open it,so I keep it on my bag.


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