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“Jennie,please tell me”Rose whined.“What?There is nothing that I should tell you”Jennie denied.“Why did you cry on that day?”Rose said with a soft voice.

“For a million time,I said I fell down”Jennie said.“I know you more than you know yourself,Kim Jennie.Your face that time was so broken and sad,it not like you fell down but it like you disappointed on something or maybe someone”She said.

“I told you,Rosie.That not the reason.”Jennie smile.

Then Jimin and Jungkook come,Jennie take a glance on Jungkook. She admit it,she can't help but her eyes was only for Jungkook, she keep ignore Jungkook but the more she tried,the more it hard.

“I'm leaving now,I need to go”Jennie said while give Jungkook, a glare.After she leave,Jimin ask Rose.“What did she said?”

“She is the stubborn girl I've meet”I said.“She need a time,Babe”Jimin try to make me calm down.“She might avoid us and be the 'Old Jennie' again”Rose said.
“No she not.She didn't dare to do that,she promise to us,remember?”Jimin said.

“How about you?Jungkook?”Rose sak,since he so silent and usually excited when talking about Jennie.

“Well,I think she might have a private problem or she stress?”Jungkook said.“Private?Maybe”Rose agree.“I'm need to go now,I have some work”Jungkook leaving us. 

Jennie POV
I went to the restroom and I get out.

Why should Jungkook exist in my life?

This question playing on my mind,I ask myself over and over again.I hate question without answer.

Then,someone bump me on purposely.I ignore it and just walk.But then my hair being pull,make me fell on the ground.

I look up and saw Cha Eunha,Eunwoo twin sister,I don't know why.But Eunwoo is totally nice to me,but she is like bitch to me.

“How did your parents teach you?No even said sorry”Eunha cross her arm.“Look,Eunha.I'm not stupid.I don't waste my time,just to fight with you”I said,try to defend myself.

“Ohh,really?You just like your father,L-O-S-E-R,Loser!”She push me with her index finger.I slap her,and she punch me and I can feel blood coming out from my mouth.

“You ruin my life,you Kim Jennie!!!”She slap me and I pull her hair,make she fell.So,I want to slap her but Tzuyu come.

“What are you doing with my friend?”Tzuyu said,try to be innocent.“Yah!You better say sorry”Sana said.

“Why?She the one who start,why should I?”I said.“Because you such a loser like your father”Tzuyu said and her gang laugh.

I'm done with this shit!

“The loser I am,but at least I not a gold digger”I said.“What did you said?”Nayeon ask.“Well,you know must have someone who feel it,right?”I look at Tzuyu,while raised my eyebrows.She come forward and slap me,I slap her back.

“KIM JENNIE!THAT ENOUGH”A deep voice that I heard,make me froze.

“Oppa,she slap me”Tzuyu try to act like she the one who is victim.“Yes,she even hit Eunha”Sana said

I think they should get awards,because their acting skills is obviously worst.

Jennie,I'm disappointed on you”Jungkook look at me.

For the goodness sake?He defend Tzuyu?I'm the one who disappointed on you,Jungkook.

“What?I'm the one who being said Loser,being beat up,my father who is died also involved.And you said Tzuyu right?”I almost cry but I hold it.

“But still,you shouldn't have to do this far ”Jungkook hold Tzuyu hand.“You know what?I'm try to make our friendship get worst,but you the one who is so stupid and dumb,to believe this girl than me!I'm your friend,Jungkook. Why on earth you believe that girl than me?Why Jungkook? Why?”I literally crying right now.

I leave them and went to class.


“What on earth your mouth bleeding?”Rose ask.

Shit!I forgot about it.

“If I tell you the truth, will you and Jimin believe at me?”I said.“Totally”They said.

“Jungkook dating Tzuyu”I said.“We know that”Jimin said.“But how? ”I ask.“We found it on our own”Jimin answered.

“You not answer my question yet,why your mouth bleeding”Rose cross her arm.“This is because i--”Rose cut me off.“No lying,Jennie.Just this time.I beg you”

I feel pity for them,why I should lie to my friends?I should just tell them the truth.

“Acctually,I being beat up by Eunha,and then Tzuyu come,she talk bad about my father and she slap me,so I slap her back.Jungkook come and angry with me.And he believe Tzuyu more than me”I said.“Why he sudden change”Rose said.

“He really beyond the scene,and the reason is Tzuyu?”Jimin raised his eyebrows.“I start to don't like him now”Rose said.

“Kim Jennie,Are you is Kim Jennie?”The student ask.“Ahh..yeah,why?”I ask.“Miss Yerin want to meet you”The student smile.

Tzuyu, I know it you.Chou Tzuyu.

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