Should i?

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Eunwoo pov

I tape her shoulder,and that moment I realize that she pass out.

I carry her and went to the school nurse.

"Nurse,can you take her to the hospital?"I said."What's happen to her?"The nurse seem shock."She pass out,and didn't wake up,please take her to the hospital"I said.

"I will.But please call her mother too,be there"The nurse take a wheelchair,put Jennie there and went to the ambulance.

I immediately run to Jimin and Rose

'Jeon Jungkook, you will regret on what you do,I swear'

"JIMIN,ROSE.FOLLOW ME"I grab their hand."Hey,bro.Chill "Jimin said."You think I can chill?Huh?You know what happen to Jennie?"I raised my voice."What happen to her?"Rose said while crying.

"Jungkook take her and I follow them,then Jungkook leave Jennie alone,she pass out. Jungkook didn't look back to see Jennie"I said."He jerk!He totally change"Rose cross her arm.

"Where is Jennie?"Jimin ask,suddenly become cold like us."She now at hospital,let's go now"I said and they follow me.

We went to my car and drive off.

Jungkook POV
I saw Jimin,Eunwoo and Rose running.Rose is crying while the two of them seem to be angry especially Eunwoo.

"yah..what did you look?"Tzuyu ask."Nothing,I just looking around"I smile."Have you talk to Jennie about admit her fault?I mean did you success? "Tzuyu ask."I don't know, she like don't want and angry toward me"I low my voice.

"You must do your job properly,Jungkook. How you can be my boyfriend if just simple things you can't do for me?"Tzuyu raised her eyebrow."I will make sure about it"I said.

I text Jimin after Tzuyu left.


Jimin, what happen?

I'm the one who should asking you,what did you do to Jennie?

I didn't do anything,I think so


Hey,chill. I'm sorry

'That weird'

Jimin POV
I got text from Jungkook.Rose see me and she text Jungkook.

"Babe,relax.Jungkook will be surprised if I texting him like this"I take my phone."That crazy Jungkook"She mumbled.

"We're here"Eunwoo said.Rose quickly went out.

We asking the nurse,and she take us there.

No one POV
Rose crying to see her best friend,pale,being inject.

"I want to come in"Rose said."Rosie,we need to wait until the doctor come out"Jennie mom said.

After a while,the doctor come out and with a sad expression, make all of them nervous.

"Are you related to Kim Jennie?"The doctor ask.All of them nod."I'm really sorry,but Jennie have a brain cancer,stage 4.And need to operate as soon as possible"The doctor bow and left them.

Their legs become weak,especially Jennie mom.She get surprised, her only daughter have cancer?She can't even face the reality.For Eunwoo,he sad and angry,thinking that this all Jungkook fault.

A footsteps sound get close to them,all they look at the hallway.It was Taehyung.

"Where is Jennie?"He ask."She inside,and doctor said she have a brain cancer"Jennie mom start to cry."It become worst?"Taehyung said.

"What do you mean?"Eunwoo ask."Acctually,she know that she have a brain cancer since she young,but she keep hide it,she didn't like when people friend with her just because pity of her.Then,I bring her to hospital and doctor said she recover but still need to take medicine."Taehyung said.

"She suffer for such a long time "Rose cry."She need to be operate soon"Eunwoo said."I will go in,just me.I will talk to her"Taehyung twist the door knob.

Taehyung POV
I feel pity for my sister,she just want a normal life like others. But she can't.

"Jenjen!"I smile at her."They know right?They already know right?"She said."Yes,Jennie. Finally"I gulped.

"I don't know if I can make my dream come true before I die"She cry.

“Why would you said that thing?”I pat her back.“Oppa,I don't want to do that,it just a burden.”She said.“Hey,you just need time to think it.”I said.

“Where Jennie?”Jungkook running toward them.“Why?Are you searching for her?”Eunwoo push him.“What wrong with you?”Jungkook push back.

“Because of you,Jennie is in here”Eunwoo look straight at Jungkook eyes,look deep inside.


The door open,Taehyung look straight at Jungkook.“She calling you,Jungkook”Taehyung said.

Jungkook walk to the door,pop out his head.He see Jennie,all he can think that Jennie is really sick.

Jungkook POV
I slowly walk closer to her.This feeling come again,this unknown feeling comeback.

“Jungkook!”She show her smile.I don't know but I miss that smile.

“I will admit my fault,I admit that I slap Eunha.I will admit it”She suddenly said.“Jennie?Are you really mean it? ”I ask.“Pabo,of course. I mean it”She said.

“Thank you,Jennie.”I hug her.

Jennie POV
He hug me.And this feeling comeback.I fell in love with him but I can't confess to him,I don't want to make him suffer or leave him alone.

“But in one condition”I said.“What?”He ask.“Join us on the beach day this weekend?Without Tzuyu”I said.“uhmm..without her?Well,I dont--”Before he finish,“Or I don't admit it”I said.

“Okay,I will join you guys”He said.“Okay then”I smile.

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