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Jennie was walking on the hallway,alone.Then,suddenly someone touch her bag and pull her.

"Don't dare touch him"Tzuyu shout at her."What do you mean?"She ask."Idiot,I'm mentioning Jungkook,don't flirt with him!"She said.Jennie get up and said."Why?Feel jealous?"

Suddenly,her minions come.Jennie feel scared because the fight is 1 vs 3.
And she know she can't fight them.

"Don't even dare me,jennie"Tzuyu smirk,signaling her minions to beat Jennie.Her minions push her and punch her face,kick her stomach until Jennie's face have blood

Tzuyu want to slap her for the finishing but suddenly muscular hand stop her.

Jungkook POV
I saw Jennie being beat up,I know that she is annoying but I think she is my friend.

So,I stop the bully or her name Tzuyu
"Stop doing it"I said.She startled and her minions feel shocked.She bow and run away.

Jennie cough blood catch my attention.I running to her.

"Are you okay?Let's go to clinic"I said and lift her with bridal style.

No one POV
Jungkook running to the school clinic to meet Dr.Jin.

"What happen to her?"Dr Jin said after checking her up."Honestly,she being beat up and cough blood."Jungkook said.

"She must take this 2 times before meal and she lost a lot of blood,just let her sleep and maybe she will enter the class at second period "Dr.Jin explain.

"Jennie,please wake up"jungkook whisper at her ear,at the same time admiring her beauty.

I really want to pinch that cheek!!
In Jungkook mind.

Suddenly,someone rushing to us."Jennie???"Rose almost freaking out.Thankfully, Jennie slowly wake up.

"Water..I need water.."She weakly said.Jimin quickly take a glass of water and hand to her.

"Why everyone look at me,like I'm dead"She laugh."Yah!you lost many blood,which is mean not good and you look pale"Rose said with a concern face.

"Jagi,we need to go now,the bell will ringing"Jimin said."I'm staying here"Rose said.

"No,it's fine.I can take care of her"Jungkook suddenly spoke.Rose and Jimin giving him a suspicious face."Are you sure? Jimin smirk.
He nodded,the they quickly left.

"Why you want to take care of me sudden?"Jennie cross her arm."First,I'm lazy to study,Second I feel pity for you, third waiting for your apology "Jungkook also cross his arm.

"What do you mean by apology? Did I do something on you?"She ask."Yes,it is."Jungkook confidently said.Jennie still don't know what she do to Jungkook.

"Last night at my house, didn't you the one step my foot?"Jungkook raises his voice."You said me ugly and liar!That why I step your foot!"Jennie raised her voice too,didn't want to lost to Jungkook.

"I don't care,now,please apologize to me"He cross his arm.“Me too,I don't care”She cross her arm too.“Come on,don't be childish? ”Jungkook whining.“Okay,fine.You first then me,I promise”Jennie chuckled.

“Alright,I'm sorry for calling you liar and ugly,even that the truth”Jungkook said.“Yah!!Said it properly”Jennie hit his arm.“Okay,okay.I'm sorry,really sorry”He said.“I'm sorry for stepping your foot and being scold by your mother”Jennie said

To be continued...

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