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Jennie POV
C.Smoking?Why?"He show his cigarette. I take him to the rooftop.

"Wait,you take me here?"He confused."You know this is school so why you should smoking here?Beside,it just affect yourchuckled
I said.
"You care about me?Nonsense!"He push me.

"Jungkook?What happen?"I start to scare of his sudden attitude."Stop talking that bullshit,bitch.Who the fuck are you to care about me?"He yell.I slap him."That enough,Jungkook. I'M DONE"

That words is really give me a big pain in my heart..I feel pain..

I run and lucky for me I saw Eun Woo.I quickly hug him.

He used to be my crush but when my dad is marry her mother,we become a step sibling.

"Hey,sis.What happen?"He broke the hug."Nothing,I just fell down and it hurt"I lied.For Jungkook,I rather lie my brother than he get hurt.

"I calling Rose"He said."No-"My voice cut by someone.It was Rose.

"Where was you?I can't find you anywhere!Do you get hurt? Why you crying?Omg,stop crying"Rose said."She fell down and said it hurt"Eun Woo told them."Seriously,that cute"Jimin chuckled.

Jungkook POV
"Tzuyu,please"I beg her."What?Jungkook, please if you can't afford your own house,you are totally out"Tzuyu said.

I will do everything,just to make you happy.

"And see me if you are have million of money"She left me with her new boyfriend.

I take my cigarette and start to smoking,but then Jennie come.She take me to the rooftop and start to lecture me,I was stress and annoy,I yell at her and she slap me..

I deserve it anyway.

I decide to chase her but then she hug someone and totally I get hurt again.

Sorry for the very short chapter,because I update twice today and I need to study.

I'm A Bad Boy • JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now