New boy

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Jennie POV
I running to the stairs but I bump someone who is a school student.

“I'm sorry!!”I said.He get up and look at my face.“Jungkook?What are you doing here?”I ask.“What you doing here?Are you stalk me?”He frown his eyebrows.

“Crazy,I live here at 402”I said.“Me too,but 401”He said.Then,Both of is wide eyes,s.h.o.c.k.e.d

“We neighbour? ”We said while pointing each other.“Idc,I need to go now”I run left his behind.

“Hoho...why you late?”Rose ask.“I'm found that coconut head”Jennie said.

“Today we will have a new boy,please come in”Miss Maeng smile.The boy enter the class,as usually many girl screaming excited.

“My name is Jeon Jungkook,nice to meet you alls”He bow but with a cold face.“You can that empty seat”Miss Maeng said and left the class.

“Hi,Jungkook.My name is Tzuyu”Tzuyu try to be nice with him,but Jungkook ignore her.

“Why he being cold sudden?”I whisper to Rose.“I also don't know”Rose whisper back.

“Guys,let's go to eat  after school”Rose excitedly said.“I can't go,rosie.Maybe Jimin can”Jennie and Rose look at Jimin.“Alright,alright”Jimin nodded.

“Just two of us?”Rose said.“Didn't it more romantic?”Jimin bit his lip.“Eww..I want to throw up,please find some room”Jennie use her hand to close her eyes.

“Duh..How about Jungkook? Can he go?”Rose ask.“No,he have plan tonight with his family”Jimin said.

Skip time

“Mom?Why you dress so nice? ”Jennie frown her eyebrow.“That new neighbour invite us to having dinner with her family, go dress up”Mom push me to my room.

“Do you mean by 401 neighbour?”Jennie low her voice,afraid that the neighbour can hear it.Mom nodded.

“I'm don't want to go”Jennie make a 'serious' face,and cross her arm.“Don't be like a child,even your brother want to”Mom hit her arm.“Fine,fine”Jennie close her door room.

Jungkook POV
“Mom,why should we invite them?Didn't they have their own food to eat”I said.

“We must show that we are a polite family,their daughter is a top student,maybe they can teach your useless brain”Mom  cross her arm.“Duhh..I can study,just please don't invite them ”I beg her.

“Enough with your nonsense,go dress up”Mom said.

No one POV.

“Mrs Kim,please come in”Mrs Jeon welcome them with a sweet smile.Jennie and Jungkook have a eye contact but broke it after a while.

Jungkook POV
Not bad,she not bad at all.

Jennie POV
Woah..he handsome

No one POV
“Thank you for invite us ,Mrs Jeon”Jennie bow.“No problem,you too polite,just call me auntie”She smile.Jennie just nod.

“Ohh before that,this is my second child and this is the first ”She show the two person,who sat beside her.“Hello,Jeon Somi imnida!”She bow while give a warm smile.“My name is Jungkook ”He bow.

“Coconut head”Jennie mumbled while glare at Jungkook. “What Jennie?”Mrs Kim ask.Jennie just smile,pretending nothing happen.

“My name is Taehyung,it nice to see you,Jungkook,and Somi ”Taehyung bow.“As you know, I'm jennie”She bow.

And we started to eat..

“Sorry,but where is Mr Jeon?”Jennie ask.“Appa is not here,he at London right now”Somi answered.“So jennie,I heard you are the top student at your school”Mrs Jeon said.

“Not number 1 but still can said the top student”She smile.“Liar,ugly ”Jungkook mumbled,while glare at her.Then,Jennie step his foot.“AHHHHHH!!!”He growl pain.

“Be polite,Jeon Jungkook”Mrs Jeon said.Taehyung,Jennie and Somi just hold their laugh.

“No,someone step on my foot”He said
“Aigoo,who want to step your foot?”His mom hit his arm.

After dinner,Mrs Jeon and Mrs Kim having a conversation.

Jennie POV

I saw Somi washing the dish,so I  want to help.

“Let me help you.”I wear the red gloves.“No,it okay.I'm fine here”She smile.“The meal is delicious and I think that your mother and you must work hard for cook it”I said.
“If you say so”She nodded.

Jungkook POV
“Taehyung right?”I ask.“What do you want?”He give me a cold look.“Hey,relax,boy.Chill”I pat his shoulder.Then,he continue playing with his phone.

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