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I was arrived at the hospital and greet some nurse and doctor.

“Jennie,did you wake up”I open the door and look at her,she still sleeping.

'My lovely daughter stay strong'

I brushing her hair,suddenly a knock on the door and I open it.

“Anyeonghaseyo,Mrs Kim.Can I talk for you a while? ”The doctor ask,I nod.

“I'm really sorry to said this but Jennie won't live longer,in order to help her heal was possible.There is nothing we can do,expect you send her to New Zealand,that is the best way.We can't do anything here in Korea to help that girl.I'm really sorry,I already work hard on it”The doctor bow.

“So,you said that she will die anytime?”I already tearing up.The doctor sigh and nodded.

Eunwoo POV
I saw Mrs Kim,crying.I quickly went to her.

“Aunty,what happen?”I said.“Can you help me,Eunwoo-ah?”She said.I gulped and nodded.

“Please call all of her friends, this is her last”She said and my heart broke to million pieces.

I quickly call all the members.

Jennie POV
I wake up and saw mom smiling at me,I was happy that I can live longer.

“Jennie,honey”My mom said.I look at her and give her a smile.

“I'm sorry,I can't take care of you.But,can we move to New Zealand? ”She asking.I'm really confused,isn't this is the best hospital at the Korea.

“Why?”I ask,really pissed.“Doctor said that you can't heal if you here,I promise you that once you got healthy,we will back here,I promise”She crying.

'I think I should do this.'

Yes,Jennie.This is your chance to forget Jungkook and all the bad memories, this your chance to make a new life.

“I agree,mom.Let's do this”I smile and she hug me.

Everyone just gathered around,Jennie and her mom and brother already make a plan,that is to tell them Jennie will go to the New Zealand and do the fake news and,she don't survive.

“I'm will go to New Zealand ”Jennie said,everyone wide her eyes.“Why?”Rose asking.“It better there, don't worry I will be safe”She said.

“Jimin,can you please give this to Jungkook ”She hand a letter.“I will,Jennie”Jimin give her a smile.“Goona miss,you.Jenjen”Eubwoo hug her,suddenly a knock on the door.

“Jennie,please forgive me”She ran and hug Jennie.“It okay,Eunha.As long as you know you wrong ”Jennie said.“Will you comeback?”She ask.Jennie just nodded.

“Bye,Jenjen!!”Rose waving and Jennie left.

Jungkook POV
“Tzuyu,I really need to go now”I said.“Stay with me,Jungkook! ”She said.“You drunk!Just let me go”I said and push her.

I quickly turn the engine on and went to airport.

I running but I only see they waving at Jennie.

“Where is she?”I ask.“Why you here?You not belong here”Once again Eunwoo push me.

“Do you know how Jennie suffer and how she keep her feeling?”He keep push,I didn't response.

“Do you know how she fake a smile,and created a fake happy memories? ”He said.“I'm sorry ”The only word that I can said.

“Sorry? Do you think you said sorry, everything will get fine?Are you not shame?BECAUSE OF YOU,JENNIE BECOME LIKE THIS!!”Eunwoo punch me and slap me.

“I think that enough,Eunwoo”Jimin stop him.

“WHAT!!”Rose suddenly shout.Jimin running to her,and ask her.

“Jennie didn't survive,she died”Rose crying while hugging Jimin.Eunwoo kneel down and crying,same to Eunha.

'The person that I truly love has gone away'

You stupid, Jeon Jungkook. Stupid!

Jimin come to me and give me a letter.
“This is from Jennie”

Dear Mr Banana Milk👑

                  If you read this letter,maybe I was gone away from your life.I'm happy that you existed in my life,I never regret it.When our first meet,you are too annoying, and I couldn't resist it.As I get along to know you,I think that you really a good person.And that moment I realize that I fell in love with you.I want to confess but your heart was belong to Tzuyu.I was so broken that time but seeing you smile already make my heart melt.I'm will always protect you,until my disease comeback.I'm sorry,if I didn't tell you.
I just hoping that you will remember me until your last breath as I remember you until last breath.I love you,Jungkook.Bye!

    From,Kim Jennie🌻

'I love you and I will remember you,Kim Jennie,I will always be your bad boy'

The last chapter of this story.I'm sorry if the ending was like too rush and it is sad ending.

thank you for 7k readers! And hoping for you guys to comment because I wanna see you guys reaction 😆

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