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Jennie POV
“Jennie,you will sleep here with your boyfriend ”Grandma said as she show the room.“My boyfriend? What do you mean?”I ask.“That boy who have a Bunny smile ”She said,pointing on Jungkook,who is struggle on his things.

What the hell I feel happy suddenly?

“Okay, grandma”I smile.Don't get me wrong,I agree because I don't want my grandma feel bad or embarrassed.

“What?”He said.“You and me will sleep here”I said as I come in to the room.“So,we will sleep at the same room and bed huh?”He smirk. “No,just a same room”I cross my arm.“Look behind you,babe”He smile widely.

Yupp,just one bed.How great it is!I didn't expect this but what can I do, I agree on it already

“Fine,we will sleep together only for 2 night”I said.“Don't be too strict,young Lady”He said.

No one POV
All of them are downstairs, waiting for grandma to call dinner.

“DINNER!”Grandma said.“Kimchi stew is a king of all the food”Rose said,jumping happiness.“Is she too cute?”Jimin whisper to Taehyung.

Afraid to get hit again,he forcing nod with a weird smile.(Poor Taehyung😹)

They all eat and randomly talk.After that,they help Grandma to wash the dish.Since grandma easily get tired,she always sleep early and while the kids plan to sleep late tonight.

“So what should we do?”Rose ask.“Let's play truth or dare!”Taehyung said.“YAH!Every time we together,that game always show up,are you not boring?”Jimin said.“Then,what should we do?”Jennie ask.“Let--”Jimin being cut off because of the electricity off.

Jennie who is scare of dark,quickly hug who is beside her,didn't care it was Jimin,Taehyung or anyone.

Jungkook POV
“Psst,bring Jennie to her room,she is scare”Taehyung whisper to me.“Okay,I will”I said.

“Uhm,Jennie?Let's go to your room”I said and I hold her hand,lead her .

I guess she now is lying down and I about to go but she hold my hand and said “Only this time,sleep with me”

Fuck,Jennie Kim.You make my heart beat faster.

I went beside her after an awkward moment.“What is love? ”She suddenly ask.“I thought you are sleeping”I said.“I can't sleep,because there something that stuck in my mind ”She said.“What it is?”I ask.“What is love?”She said.

“Love is a feeling that is when a person is happy,you are happy,when a person is scare,you want to protect them,when they is sad,you also sad,this feeling can become a happiness and can be a thing that a person scared the most”I said.“Now,I know.And I afraid to fell inlove”She said.“But you said that you don't know what is love?”I said.

“I'm afraid that i'm the only one who fell  in love,afraid that he might happier with other girl and not you.Afraid that he hurt you but you still love him.Afraid that the scar that he make,getting worst,afraid--”Before she could manage to said other words,I hug her.

Why she be like this suddenly?Have someone hurt her before?

“I'm sorry,if I too emotional ”She said.“It okay”I said.

Because I have feeling on you,Jennie.

We went sleep.

The Next Day
Jennie POV
I open my eyes and I saw Jungkook face,he cute when he sleep.

My heart beat so fast,omg,omg.

He suddenly hug me,and make me shocked.“Wh-what a-re y-ou doing?”I strutter. “I feel cold,that why I hug you”He said.

Damn,that voice give me a shiver.

“Wake up,lazy ass,we need to eat”I smack his arm.“Before that,when is your birthday?”He ask.“16 January,why?”I said.“I'm 1 September,so that mean you are my noona”He excitedly said.“Don't call me Noona,plus we not even that close”I roll my eyes,I hate being call Noona.

“Noona~Noona~~”He tease me.“Don't call me that,or I bite you”I said.“Noona!Want to bite me?Noona,you can't! ”He run away.“COME BACK,JEON JUNGKOOK”I chase him to downstairs

He run to the kitchen,living room,backyard and to the living room back.“I'm tired!”I pout.“Did my Noona feel tired”He still tease me.“I said don't call me that”I tickle him.

“Stop,Jennie.I'm sorry.Yah!!”He laugh so hard.Then,the other come,so I stop.

“You two screaming, running,tickling all morning?Aww,that sweet”Rose said.“So,you want Jungkook than me?”Jimin pout and cross his arm.“Aniyo,you still the best one”Rose wink.

There always have Taehyung make a disgust face.“I'm better help grandma at kitchen”He run away.

“So,what we gonna do today?”Jimin ask.“Grandma said that we can go hiking and take a view there,Many people said that the view is breathtaking ”Jennie said.

To be continue

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