2. Bella

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Morning was up. I groaned and got out of bed. I did my morning routine and came downstairs. Lexi was making breakfast. She smiled. "Hey Bels!" She said. I chuckled. Deana came down yawning and went into the fridge. I grabbed my pancake plate Lexi made. Deana did the same. "You know what today is right?" Lexi asked. We looked at her. "What?" We said. "I can't wait to become Prom Queen!" She said. She squealed and smiled. I playfully rolled my eyes. Lexi always wanted to be Prom Queen. Not just shine on stage but wear the most gorgeous dress. Its her dream to be a model. "Forget it Lexi, you know Taylor will get the most votes." Deana said. She sighed. "You're right. I just wanna be the best dressed person there." She said. "Then be that girl. You're a fashionista, find something that'll help you shine bright." I said. She smiled. "Great idea! Thanks Bels." She said. Deana looked at me in shock. "How?" She asked. I chuckled. "Just let Lexi be Lexi." I said. She nodded in understanding. I drove us to school. We go to the same place. "Bels?" Deana said. I looked at her. "Yeah?" I said. She smiled. "I'm excited to hear your new stuff." She said, referring to my music. I chuckled. "Thanks." I said. We got out of my car. Lexi and Deana went to their friend group. I wrapped my backpack around me. I noticed another car parked next to me. I looked closely. Simon smirked at me. I chuckled. It was Laney's dad's car. Laney got out with her backpack and her art utensils. She smiled at me. I returned the gesture. We hugged. "You need help with that?" I asked. She smirked. "I thought we had a deal to be separate at school." She said. I laughed. "Just give me your art stuff." I said. She handed me it. "Bye girls! Have fun!" Her dad said. I waved and Laney said goodbye. I helped her get her stuff into her locker. She smiled. "Thanks." She said. I smiled. "No prob." I said. Only I seen her smile a lot. She don't believe she has a pretty smile but she do. She literally do. "How's the music?" She asked. "I already finished my upbeat song. Now I'm working on a slow acoustic one." I told her. She raised an eyebrow. "Really?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm surprised you're able to put your songs without anyone knowing its you." She said. Nobody ever knows its me who's singing cause all my videos are on YouTube. Taylor want me and the girls to stay updated on Instagram. My subscribe channel has...I haven't even checked it yet. "I just know people will love it because your voice is wow I can't describe it." She said. I chuckled. "Well thank you." I said. "The girls in my art class just being so horrible to me in there. I'm so tired of it!" She groaned. I smirked. "Laney, I seen all your paintings. You're so gifted. You just need to find what fits Laney." I said. She scoffed. "That's what the art teacher said." She said. I shrugged. "Maybe its time you show them who Laney is." I whispered. She looked at me. She should show people she's not just a girl with weird boobs, bad personality. None of that shit is true. My phone beeped. "Its Katie. I have to go. I'll call you later." I said. She smiled. "You too." She said. We hugged and I quickly went outside.

The school's very large so everybody can walk outside and in. I saw Katie waving at me. I waved back. "Hey, Belele!" She said. She hugged me. I hugged back. She motioned me to look at the guys. I groaned. It was Zack, Preston and...Dean. I groaned because I heard the D word. I sighed. She giggled. "Cmon, it'll be quicker." She said. I shrugged. We walked over the guys. I greeted Preston and Zack. Dean smirked. "Hey Belele." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Hey Dean." I said. "You look gorgeous today." He said. Weird, I thought he would say asshole-ish jokes that would annoy me. I smiled a bit. "Thanks." I said. There was an awkward silence between us. I caressed my hair. "Um, well...gotta go." I said. I tried to walk away but he stopped me. "What?" I said. He chuckled. "We have the same class together." He said. I fake smiled. "Yeah. Lets go." I said. He nodded and we walked to class together. This is crazy. The whole class period we couldn't stop look at each other. He smiled at me. I returned the gesture. Surprisingly, I blushed. Why did I blush? Katie assumed we liked each other. But I highly doubt it's true...right?

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